Posted on Dec 12, 2016
Michigan Republicans can't make up their minds about voter fraud
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Let's not pretend that this recount has anything to do with sniffing out voter fraud. This has everything to do with trying to give hillary another chance to win. The recount was called by a candidate who has the same chance of winning the 2016 vote that I do, the green party candidate Jill Stein. She can't win a single state no matter what the recount does. So her motivation is clearly not to advance her own chances. Oddly, she is not asking for a recount in places where she might actually pick up votes on the left coast. This entire exercise is a sham. Stein is looking to make money while tarnishing the mandate that the American voters gave to President Trump.
1: There is no proof he lied about illegal's voting since no recount was done in CA and other border states where it would have occurred.
2: Republicans balked at the recount because it was a 3rd party ploy to make money and HRC had done conceded.
3: In Michigan they hit a roadblock because of improper labeling and counting of ballots that nothing to with the GOP and made several counties ineligible for recount.
2: Republicans balked at the recount because it was a 3rd party ploy to make money and HRC had done conceded.
3: In Michigan they hit a roadblock because of improper labeling and counting of ballots that nothing to with the GOP and made several counties ineligible for recount.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
1. He had no proof there was so he sould not have said anything
2. They were afraid the now red state screwed up the election so bad it would be grounds for court action.
3. Prove the GOP had nothing to do with it. If Trump can make wild acusations about the elections why can't I??
2. They were afraid the now red state screwed up the election so bad it would be grounds for court action.
3. Prove the GOP had nothing to do with it. If Trump can make wild acusations about the elections why can't I??
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