Posted on Dec 12, 2016
President Obama Names His Biggest Failure: Gun Control - The Truth About Guns
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 10
He should have asked me. I could have named a couple that were bigger. Iran Nuke Deal, The Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, the second time Iraq War after screwing up the leaving the first time with no plan what so ever, Obama Care, Benghazi, appointing 2 of the worst SoS ever, leaving the boarders unsecured allowing millions of people in this country, unemployment, under employment, creating generations of welfare families, destroying the respect of law enforcement, negotiating with terrorist, bowing to leaders of other countries, apologizing to everybody, Libya, Syria, lowering the military numbers to the lowest we have been since before WW2, throwing the country into civil unrest, and last, but not least, actually sucking as a President more than Jimmy Carter. That one alone should have been at the top of his list. Jimmy Carter...if he had done nothing he could have beat Carter.
Use the non-progun correct headline!!
Use the non-progun correct headline!!

Obama admits US gun laws are his 'biggest frustration' - BBC News
President Barack Obama tells the BBC his failure to pass "common sense gun safety laws" is the greatest frustration of his presidency.
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