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Responses: 10
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Men shouldn't register if women don't...
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
8 y
Col Rebecca Lorraine well said and profoundly stated!
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
6 y
Women have fought for equality to make their own decisions! I agree the system may need modernization as some have suggested. However, to remove women from the draft insults women saying under Congress's collective breath - "Well ladies, we don't want to encumber you with this responsibility to be ready to serve your nation along side men at a moments notice." Really?

Clearly, I not a women, but if I were and knowing the history of the struggle I'd be well - at best "very irritated." Also, $23 million for a non-active system is a little nuts. So with <40 K vets reported as homeless (https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/01/number-homeless-veterans-drop-trump-obama-hud/) this equates to ~ $607/veteran. When this amount is placed in a lump-sum earning interest to support all homeless vets how powerfu that financial support becomes when publicly acknowledged and whose impact could be felt for my fellow vets unfortunate to be homeless.

Also, this statement from Maj Bell "The United States has a very long history of thinking that preparedness for war is costly and unaffordable. Absolutely correct, just not quite as costly and unaffordable as a lack of preparedness...." is spot on!

In 2018 there must be some sort of secure automated system that can be employed. But, more importantly, as men, there are brave women who want the chance to prove their metal. Again, this insult to women as willing warriors makes no sense!
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COL Jon Thompson
If the purpose of the draft is to fill ranks as needed in case of a major war, it would make sense to require women to register since they can now serve in any capacity. The draft would be mainly to fill out the combat arms as it was in Vietnam. So everyone should have to serve that burden.
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LTC John Mohor
I don't thinks it's right for half the population to get a pass on registering for selective service! You sure can tell there's still a bunch of non-veterans in congress! I happen to know from a fellow reserve Officer that worked with the Selective SErvice that it's already part of the computer program just one swithc and both men and women could register! Women are now Infantry and Rangers they ought to do the same thing immediately after their 18th Birthday too!
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