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Responses: 20
SFC George Smith
Edited 8 y ago
Huffpo again ... and a Photo Shop Picture...
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Yes, it is photoshopped.. by NEO-NAZIS threatening the reporter. I don't understand why that would be taken lightly.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
George, I know you contribute a lot to discussion, but you should really read links before you get upset.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
if Steve bannon's duffel blog like insane headlines are true then we've gone from the frying pan into the fire with hate for Jews and people that's retro 1920 to 1945 I like to see Steve Bannon has a meeting with prime minister Netanyahu of Israel and see how Netanyahu will give him a piece of his ass in criticism I'm going to love to see that.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
PO1 John Crafton - if that's the case I apologize and I'll give the guy a chance to shine in the new Administration.
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SGT Ron Murphy
This is the latest BS from the left.
Do some research before you post.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
So she wasn't shot by a rubber bullet? She wasn't openly mocked and threatened for being Jewish? The alt-right isn't spouting Nazi ideology? Breitbart isn't a haven for the views of the alt-right? Which part is BS?

I'd love to do the research, but your criticism is incredibly vague.
MSG Mitch Dowler
MSG Mitch Dowler
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Anti-Antisemitism is a product of the left. Just look at how the Obama administration has alienated Israel and supported Hamas. There is no real alt-right to be concerned about. How many major demonstrations and violence can be directly attributed to this very small or imaginary group? All the demonstrations and violent beatings and shooting that are actually occurring are being done by the far left BLM. Where were they two years ago.

If you feel things are vague look up George Soros and his paying for BLM and violent demonstrations against Trump.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
8 y
MSG Mitch Dowler - Where is your proof that BLM are behind the anti Trump demonstration.
MSG Mitch Dowler
MSG Mitch Dowler
8 y
SSgt Ray Stone - Most every news story I see currently links the anti-Trump demonstrations with BLM. I will just post the one where I am here in the Seattle area.

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SGT David Baker
Edited 8 y ago
Breitbart was a Jew. The Breitbart organization's ownership and management is Jewish. The Arizona Jewish Post has published an article decrying the antisemitism libel with which Mr. Bannon has been tarred. Bannon helped produce Jerry Seinfeld's sitcom, which was so Jewish that "Thursdays at 9 PM" was briefly added to the list of High Holy Days.

Get over yourself, HuffPo. Crap like this is why people like me voted for Trump.

SGT David Baker
SGT David Baker
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Please let me know how I may clarify anything you found "vague". Or tell me to take a long jump into a pile of rabid mice. Whatevs.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SGT David Baker - I think I was more trying to determine if you were being sarcastic, as I don't interact with you as much and I'm not sure of your actual views.
SGT David Baker
SGT David Baker
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - IF you care, and there's no reason why you should, this morning I posted a long bit about my personal political views, which just might diverge from yours a little bit. https://www.rallypoint.com/status-updates/2103919
SGT David Baker
SGT David Baker
8 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - You could try the Arizona Jewish Post article. Anything I would like to say here would come from there. Oh, and that Breitbart-published article about Bill Kristol, the "Renegade Jew"? The one the HuffPo wants to use as evidence of anti-semitism? It was written by a Jewish author, from a pro-Jewish point of view-- to whom I would defer all judgment about renegade Jews-- since as Charlie Chaplin put it when the *real* Nazis asked him if *he* was a Jew, "I regret that I do not have that honor."
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