Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Unfortunately some people feel empowered to use that Offensive Word with the Election of Donald Trump.
SGM Steve Wettstein
Ummm you realize the guy that said it is a Liberal right? Probably not. You probably just say the headline and took it upon yourself to think it was a nasty Trump voter without reading the article.
Warren, forgive me if I'm out of line.
No white person should ever use that term. In fact, though, no person of any color should use it. Black people need to stop thinking it's ok to use it on themselves. I am asking you honestly, Warren, do you agree with that statement, and why or why not? (Or any other person of color that wants to weigh in.)
The fact of the matter is -- and this is a statement of fact, albeit a personal anecdote -- I have heard that word far more times in my life from black people, than I ever did from whites. Which isn't to say that that hasn't happen. Of course it does.
No white person should ever use that term. In fact, though, no person of any color should use it. Black people need to stop thinking it's ok to use it on themselves. I am asking you honestly, Warren, do you agree with that statement, and why or why not? (Or any other person of color that wants to weigh in.)
The fact of the matter is -- and this is a statement of fact, albeit a personal anecdote -- I have heard that word far more times in my life from black people, than I ever did from whites. Which isn't to say that that hasn't happen. Of course it does.
SSG Warren Swan
Greg that is a LEGIT question. Here we go. I do not condone, support, or even like the word. Have I used it? Yes. Was it right no. Inside the walls of my house it gets used. We have called each other that name when describing each other (siblings and mother live with me) whenever we screw up BIG. We have no love for the word, but cursing in my house is supposed to be verboten yet, that rule seems to apply only to me. Will you EVER see me in public using the word? NO. Why again:
1. It IS a good way to see if you've been practicing you combatives. There are LOT of black folks who at the very mention of the name(or moniker), will proceed with giving you a quick history lesson on why we don't use it, and should not use it. As they proceed to whop the living shit out of you.
2. You never know who's listening. I've had moments where I'm on the tube and guess what I hear? Nigga, nigga,nigga,nigga and 50 kids saying it. Now it's those kids turn to learn about combatives level I. Because once you correct them, they'll try to come after you -thinking you won't come after their ass.
3. I have home training. Both of my parents are children of the "Greatest Generation". Now my father will say it, in a manner that tell you that you are a TRUE piece of shit. His definition of what a nigga(ER) is not complimentary. You are worst than anything floating in a water treatment facility. So if you are called that my him; you've done some monumental repugnant shit. I have been called it by him quite a few times with the intent of "fixing" the situation HIS way. The ONLY time I say it about him is how he waited until mom went to work, and cleaned out the house. She came home and it was empty with the front door open. I said only, but it was MANY times I've used it on him lately using his definition. I do not love my father at all. Everything he's done to me and my family was wrong. Even on here, I don't think I've ever mentioned him in a positive light. I LOVE my father as the Soldier he is. He'd kick my ass out a long time ago if he was still in.
4. Song lyrics. This gets touchy. to this point everyone that listens to modem rap (not Hip Hop), knows the uncut version of songs. I don't mind that at all. I'll look then keep it moving. Music is probably the one area where we are all equals. You don't have to like it, and there are days where someone would get the side eye from me, but if they're listening to the song and it's in the song oh well.
Pops always said this: A nigga will be your "friend" till the end.....where he's run out of knives to put in your back. That is the nigga you watch for. He's said that niggas are lazy good for nothing niggas. Want you to give you shit, for nothing, just give it to them. A nigga is a sorry excuse and waste of a man. That was repeated my whole life.
My grandfather, never used the word, but he said you have men and you have sorry niggas. A man gets up and tries to fix a situation to make it better from hunting jobs to reading to your kids. But what I've finally remembered is "only a nigga is sorry. He knows no better or cares, so you leave that nigga alone and enjoy your life, He also said "only a sorry nigga tells another man he's sorry. You are a man, and men apologize" It was him talking about respect. I didn't see it then, bur I do now. I've apologized to a lot of people on here when I'm wrong, or after thinking about what was said, apologized to the site like you did.
Greg, buddy at this point in life, I'm not going to give the word too much power. I know I'm wrong when I've said it, and I damn sure never say it outside unless I'm about to get my entire body tenderized while they stomp me in the head, or it's happened since I've been home, where it's not my ass on the line, but I'm seriously going to beat yours.There is no "right" time to say it or use it, not excusing the use of it. Although I will admit, I've had other races call me a nigga. I listen to how it comes out and figure out my response. After that, either I'm going to walk away (usual case), or stand there ready to have my ass handed to me. If you Greg said it to me, or really anyone on RP, I seriously would have to listen to the way it's used. You'd be surprised how many white folks especially southerners use the word, and they also know when they mean it in malice or to describe something wrong and ignorant. For some reason they're different than northerners. I can't explain it, but I had a white man say the word, I looked him in the face, knowing I was about to loose my shit, and he said "boy in this world, we're all niggas. Explanation made sense, and after that, we were down like four flat tires on a low rider.
1. It IS a good way to see if you've been practicing you combatives. There are LOT of black folks who at the very mention of the name(or moniker), will proceed with giving you a quick history lesson on why we don't use it, and should not use it. As they proceed to whop the living shit out of you.
2. You never know who's listening. I've had moments where I'm on the tube and guess what I hear? Nigga, nigga,nigga,nigga and 50 kids saying it. Now it's those kids turn to learn about combatives level I. Because once you correct them, they'll try to come after you -thinking you won't come after their ass.
3. I have home training. Both of my parents are children of the "Greatest Generation". Now my father will say it, in a manner that tell you that you are a TRUE piece of shit. His definition of what a nigga(ER) is not complimentary. You are worst than anything floating in a water treatment facility. So if you are called that my him; you've done some monumental repugnant shit. I have been called it by him quite a few times with the intent of "fixing" the situation HIS way. The ONLY time I say it about him is how he waited until mom went to work, and cleaned out the house. She came home and it was empty with the front door open. I said only, but it was MANY times I've used it on him lately using his definition. I do not love my father at all. Everything he's done to me and my family was wrong. Even on here, I don't think I've ever mentioned him in a positive light. I LOVE my father as the Soldier he is. He'd kick my ass out a long time ago if he was still in.
4. Song lyrics. This gets touchy. to this point everyone that listens to modem rap (not Hip Hop), knows the uncut version of songs. I don't mind that at all. I'll look then keep it moving. Music is probably the one area where we are all equals. You don't have to like it, and there are days where someone would get the side eye from me, but if they're listening to the song and it's in the song oh well.
Pops always said this: A nigga will be your "friend" till the end.....where he's run out of knives to put in your back. That is the nigga you watch for. He's said that niggas are lazy good for nothing niggas. Want you to give you shit, for nothing, just give it to them. A nigga is a sorry excuse and waste of a man. That was repeated my whole life.
My grandfather, never used the word, but he said you have men and you have sorry niggas. A man gets up and tries to fix a situation to make it better from hunting jobs to reading to your kids. But what I've finally remembered is "only a nigga is sorry. He knows no better or cares, so you leave that nigga alone and enjoy your life, He also said "only a sorry nigga tells another man he's sorry. You are a man, and men apologize" It was him talking about respect. I didn't see it then, bur I do now. I've apologized to a lot of people on here when I'm wrong, or after thinking about what was said, apologized to the site like you did.
Greg, buddy at this point in life, I'm not going to give the word too much power. I know I'm wrong when I've said it, and I damn sure never say it outside unless I'm about to get my entire body tenderized while they stomp me in the head, or it's happened since I've been home, where it's not my ass on the line, but I'm seriously going to beat yours.There is no "right" time to say it or use it, not excusing the use of it. Although I will admit, I've had other races call me a nigga. I listen to how it comes out and figure out my response. After that, either I'm going to walk away (usual case), or stand there ready to have my ass handed to me. If you Greg said it to me, or really anyone on RP, I seriously would have to listen to the way it's used. You'd be surprised how many white folks especially southerners use the word, and they also know when they mean it in malice or to describe something wrong and ignorant. For some reason they're different than northerners. I can't explain it, but I had a white man say the word, I looked him in the face, knowing I was about to loose my shit, and he said "boy in this world, we're all niggas. Explanation made sense, and after that, we were down like four flat tires on a low rider.
SN Greg Wright
SSG Warren Swan - Thanks for the explanation, Staff. I know that this isn't a black and white issue (heh, heh), that there's plenty of shades of grey in there that complicate it probably more than someone who isn't black can see initially. Thanks for not handing me a new one! :)
SSG Warren Swan
SN Greg Wright - there was no point man. You asked a legit question, and I hope I answered your question honestly.
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