Posted on Nov 20, 2016
The Marine Corps is Experimenting With a New Service Rifle
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
While having a piston driven system and a free float barrel are better, can't say the cost benefit is there. 50 more meters effective range? Ehh, a better round solves that more effectively. And there is absolutely no need for full auto. I can put more rounds, more accurately down range with semi, if you are looking for spray and pray that is what the squad weapon is for. I didn't believe that to be true until I went to Patrol Rifle Instructor course and 25 of us each proved it true over our own skepticism. If you are going to make a change, change out the uppers to a 6.8 rather than sticking with a 5.56, increases your effective range and your kills per hit. But in no circumstance should they dump the M249.
I hear this rifle is already being used. I don't know how I feel about it as the purpose of a SAW is different. Maybe it has evolved. I have never been on the field, so I have no knowledge of this at all, maybe some others can chime in?
The first glance says this is great, then I read that they are giving up the M249 for this... NOT a good move folks. I'd take the suppressive fire of the M249 over the extended range of this weapon, any day.
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