Posted on Oct 28, 2016
Clinton’s State Dept Spent $5.4 Million of Taxpayer Money on ‘Crystal Stemware’
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
Col Joseph Lenertz And you can go to Germany and get crystal at such an affordable rate. I would like to know where they get their stemware? Ripped off I tell ya. And no I do not support HRC
While it has been posted by CW4 Guy Butler that the Contract has been canexed and will be re-bid I would like to point out a few things.
1. If I want to buy a pack of pens for a buck fifty on the .Gov dime I have to submit 3 quotes to the purchasing agent to prove I have picked the lowest cost. If I pick a higher cost provider I have to write a formal statement saying WHY I need the higher cost ones, to include Mission impact, fault tolerances / requirements ect ect. So WHEN did we start allowing NO Bid contracts at the tune of 5.4 MILLION!!!!? I have to bid on a pack of pens but Civies can blow Millions on glass ware?
2. Why would the State Department buy 3.6 Million worth of "Unused Broadcasting Trucks" The Cost over runs in Kabul I get locals need to be bribed, (Just like HRC and Bill)
3. 79 thousand to buy up Obamas failed book? Talk about kissing up to the boss. But hay its ok wasn't her money, she will just fleece the tax payers for more anyways.
4. Then we have the Missing 6 BILLION!!! that the State Department has no paper trail or record of spending.
Nothing about HRC pass's the smell test. Everything she touches comes out tainted and yet the Tories are still giving her a free pass. Talk about insanity!!!
1. If I want to buy a pack of pens for a buck fifty on the .Gov dime I have to submit 3 quotes to the purchasing agent to prove I have picked the lowest cost. If I pick a higher cost provider I have to write a formal statement saying WHY I need the higher cost ones, to include Mission impact, fault tolerances / requirements ect ect. So WHEN did we start allowing NO Bid contracts at the tune of 5.4 MILLION!!!!? I have to bid on a pack of pens but Civies can blow Millions on glass ware?
2. Why would the State Department buy 3.6 Million worth of "Unused Broadcasting Trucks" The Cost over runs in Kabul I get locals need to be bribed, (Just like HRC and Bill)
3. 79 thousand to buy up Obamas failed book? Talk about kissing up to the boss. But hay its ok wasn't her money, she will just fleece the tax payers for more anyways.
4. Then we have the Missing 6 BILLION!!! that the State Department has no paper trail or record of spending.
Nothing about HRC pass's the smell test. Everything she touches comes out tainted and yet the Tories are still giving her a free pass. Talk about insanity!!!
Apparently lost in the shuffle...
Apparently lost in the shuffle...
State Dept. to re-bid $5.4M cystral stemware contract after admitting to goof
WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton’s State Department admitted it goofed big-time and has told lawmakers it is going to re-bid a $5.4 million contract for crystal stemware at U.S. embassies t…
Col Joseph Lenertz
Thanks for the additional info CW4 Guy Butler. It's interesting that the goof WASN'T the price. Rather, they didn't give preference to a US firm. So I think we'll see the price go higher.
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