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Responses: 10
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 8 y ago
I'd have no problem with someone suing people for false accusations of sexual assault. Frankly, I think there should be a way to throw them in jail if their accusations prove to be false, which with all of the contradicting evidence, and things pointing to these all being politically motivated, I'm likely to believe these are.

That being said, he hasn't left American's to die in order to find out how to put a political spin on the story.
His campaign team hasn't been caught on video talking about paying people to start fights at his opponents rallies so that the MSM can use it against them.
His campaign team hasn't been caught on video saying, "To hell with legalities and ethics" or "we've been rigging the elections for the last 50 years" in regards to their ways of committing voter fraud.
His SuperPACs have not been caught on video, admitting to colluding with the presidential campaign (a felony) in planned attacks on the opponent.
His party wasn't caught rigging an election to make him the nominee during the primaries.
He wasn't deemed "too technologically unsophisticated" to understand classification markings.
He wasn't caught using a private unsecured server to send and receive classified information, then let off the hook after a private meeting between the AG and his spouse.
He wasn't caught lying repeatedly under oath about the content of the subpoenaed emails that he destroyed AFTER they were subpoenaed.
He didn't laugh about getting a child's rapist off the hook by framing the child as a slut.
He doesn't have well over 60 "coincidental deaths" surrounding him, along with a man giving a full confession of being his hitman.
He wasn't selling his position in the United States Government to foreign countries in exchange for political favors - to include charging the Moroccan king $12M in a quid-pro-quo for her presence, or authorizing the sale of one of the United States largest uranium mines to Russia in a quid-pro-quo for Clinton Foundation donations while Secretary of State.

I could continue with a million more things that I find more important than some women CLAIMING weeks before the election to have been sexually assaulted decades ago, when the vast majority have already been largely debunked.

So yea, Trump said some terrible things, things that I have heard thousands of times before. He apologized. Putting aside that Clinton is long past due for a stint behind bars, find me one instance where she's said, "I said it, it was wrong, and I am sorry." You won't, because when she DOES things which are politically damaging she makes excuses, dodges, and lies.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
8 y
The Civil Court problem your going to run into here which all Trial Lawyers know and thats why they are on this case like flies on shit. If you previously admit to having committed a sexual assault weather serious or joking the court will presume you are a habitual offender. If you are a Billionaire and make that statement. Litigating monetary settlements out of you will be like taking candy from a baby. You just need someone to pose as a victim because the civil court will presume you were telling the truth and not joking and since you have all that money you can afford to pay these women weather your guilty or not. Civil Courts have a lower threshold of GUILTY than Criminal Courts. In a Civil Court it is preponderance of the evidence. CRIMINAL COURT uses the reasonable doubt standard. So highly likely Donald will not sue these women given his past public admissions make that it likely he will lose some cases. Much more likely Donald will seek a out of court settlement with most of them because it is a lot less riskier path for him.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
Holy SHIT!! RYAN you old sock. I though you got kidnapped because I don't see you anymore. No, scratch that. I haven't seen you because you got sick of me putting a foot in your ass because you are stupid and you blocked me.
Now with regards to you Brother Jensen, I am well aware of Hillary's faults BUT she is still far more qualified to run DC than Trump because she has been in that area way longer than Trump, the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans would rather work with Hillary rather than Trump (look at the Republicans that are running from Trump in record numbers, if you chose not to believe me) and she knows how to play the game.
Look, I'm not going in with the assumption that I'm not going to change your mind in any way, shape, form, fashion, or style and if you are still undecided then Goddess love you. This article further illustrates the hypocrisy of this election, as it speaks to how some of you will seek to admonish what Trump has done (it having happened 30 years ago is irrelevant as it still speaks to the character of a person) while attempting to highlight Bill's impropriety even though he's not running. Like I said to other's in this thread as well, at least with Hillary only one group hates her
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
SPC(P) (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield I find your reply humorous. First, I would like to say, is there something inherently different about Dems who overlook the many, many faults of Hillary (most of which should have landed her in a prison cell), and the Republicans who choose to overlook the faults of Trump? Also, in regards to your reference to Hillary's "knowing how to play the game," I would like to point out that I highly doubt that you voted for McCain, and so in that respect, what was your excuse then, to elect a first term senator who did absolutely nothing in the senate, over a man who had decades of political experience, military experience, etc?? Regardless, the election boils down to whether or not one is willing to set the precedence that not only are the political elite not held legally accountable for countless violations of the law, but that they are not held accountable by the public for their actions either. Electing Hillary is sending the message that an elected official can sell their position in government to the highest bidder, rig elections to squash opponents, sacrifice national security interests for the sake of convenience and hiding their criminal actions from the public, and then subsequently be promoted to a higher position. I frankly, don't want to send that message.

That being said, in regards to your comments about "Trump's supporters admonishing what Trump has [said] by highlighting Bill's impropriety," This frequently frustrates me about the left. People on the conservative side continually get harassed over this and it is completely inaccurate. First, if anyone is bringing up Bill's offenses it is to show the hypocrisy of the left, and how they would hang a Republican for making lewd comments, while subsequently defending a rapist and slandering his accusers. Second, the vast majority of these situations being brought up, are not hitting Hillary with Bill's crimes, it's hitting Hillary for her part in them. Hillary threatened, insulted and verbally abused Bill's victims, which is far from the "supporter of women" she claims to be. Take the account of Rosanne Barr, who claims her show was cancelled after having interviewed Paula Jones about her rape https://youtu.be/1zjTOB7KqtU, or Juanita Broderick stating, "Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me," or when she called Gennifer Flowers, "Trailer-Trash," and claimed that if she could cross-examine her she would "crucify her," or when she said Monica Lewinski was a "narcissistic loony toon”, or when she referred to the continued claims of sexual misconduct of Bill as a "Bimbo eruption," or the many other cases of this sort of behavior.

The last thing I would like to point out, is the fact that no one seems to have even actually listened to the "Trump-tape" because everyone is misrepresenting what was said. I would recommend you (and others) find and watch the whole tape, because he's essentially saying that he tried hitting on a woman (by taking her furniture shopping, and buying her things) who refused him, and expressing his disbelief that she would refuse him with the way every other woman throws themselves at him and to put his words more respectfully, would allow him to do anything to them. He never once in those tapes advocated walking up to random unsuspecting women and groping them against their will. What he did, was admit to knowingly hit on a married woman. Regardless, what he said was terrible, and something that men hear all the time. I'm not nearly as concerned about that, especially after he admitted it, condemned his statements, and apologized, than I am about putting a deceitful criminal back into the oval office.
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
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SSG Jessica Bautista
Edited 8 y ago
Okay, so this is me being logical and bipartisan for about 2 minutes:

1. Multiple accusations spanning decades.
2. Previous reports filed.
3. History of marrying younger women when his wives got too old.
4. Several witnesses to his crude behavior while filming The Apprentice.
5. No credible character witnesses.
6. The ONE witness he provided is a well-known liar.
7. The sheer number of women making accusations.
8. He admittedly walks in pageant dressing rooms with no announcement.
9. He BOUGHT the damn pageant.
10. Dozens of contestants claim that he treated women like property.
11. He thinks so little of women as humans, he even suggested that he would date his own daughter if he could.
12. Did I mention that no one in his inner circle vehemently denies he could do such things?
13. He was recorded stating specifically that women will let him grab them because he is a celebrity.
14. His best denials are stating that the women were too ugly to assault. So that means if they were still young and pretty, he would.

WTF WOULDNT YOU BELIEVE THESE WOMEN? This is too much history to be coincidental!
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - I get that, trust me, I do. But you know sexual assault is a very personal attack. Trump is a powerful man. What do you think their odds were? Especially with no physical evidence? It's basically dismissing their feeling violated simply because he didn't get far enough to rape them. I guess there's always next time..
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - ya f*ucking THINK?
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - what are the odds, come on now..
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - that many women? Naaaaaw..
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SrA Edward Vong
What does it look like when a president presses charges....why doesn't he just do it right now if he wanted to.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - one is a real thing that happens all the time, and if you say it's alien abduction, I will set this thread on f*cking fire.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - they used to call me "spitfire"
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
SSG(P) Ryan R. - There needs to be evidence of impropriety and then an investigation. I am surprised your education hasn't expanded your perspective to understand that MST is a serious issue for many women. Rank in civilian and military environments make a huge difference. We would say, I can't believe that just happened, but they have the reality to know they will be dismissed. If you had something to offer I suppose women would be going after you just for your money. Give me a break and listen.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Ryan R. - why do you keep ignoring the fact that some did?
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