Posted on Oct 13, 2016
George W. Bush's White House "lost" 22 million emails
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 31
This is funny and desperate. For months the GOP has followed Hillary's emails and"found" no evidence of crime. LOL No, for months the Dems "investigated" Benghazi and found nothing. When the GOP took over the House, they found the unauthorized server right away. The FBI then looked and found evidence of three separate federal crimes but the bosses in the Dem Administration dictated no indictment. So now there's this claim that Bush "lost" 22 million emails? Are they going to blame Bush again? That's desperate, really desperate.
LT Louis McKellar
In 1982, Donald Trump rented a video and failed to rewind it........
The fact remains Hillary Clinton set up and used a private server so she could keep FOIA requests at bay. If you don't know the email address, you can't ask for it. This was a common theme in the Obama administration - and the FBI found email from Obama on her server.
The fact remains Hillary Clinton set up and used a private server so she could keep FOIA requests at bay. If you don't know the email address, you can't ask for it. This was a common theme in the Obama administration - and the FBI found email from Obama on her server.
MSgt James Mullis
LT Louis McKellar - The other big issue with the private server is that she could send information through the server and give access to the information to literally anyone she wanted to. Of course this completely bypassed the State Departments rules and regulations governing access to sensitive or classified materials. This was necessary because President Obama had refused to allow the State Department to hire one of her closest advisers (John Podesta).
TSgt Jim Gregg
Actually was reported in 2008. The emails were actually found, but they stated that they were misclassified. And they are sealed until 2041, so no one can actually confirm they are the missing emails. Of course they are minor emails, like the source documents concerning the WMDs that were supposedly in Iraq and other "unimportant" information. It was just that Bush and Cheney were using a data server of the RNC and were actually in office at the time versus running for office.
As my Dad would have said to me. "Just because George Bush jumped off a bridge, doesn't mean you have to jump off a bridge". Just after we go after people who are in office, we should go after people that are running for office, then people who served in office. I'm just plain old sick that the status of elected official, political appointee or their personal staff is a get out of jail free pass, regardless of political party.
Meanwhile government working stiffs and the military get put through a ringer (correctly so) when they play fast and loose with the rules. Government without public accountability is not "...of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Meanwhile government working stiffs and the military get put through a ringer (correctly so) when they play fast and loose with the rules. Government without public accountability is not "...of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Insert "liberals this or that", HRC and Bengazi, Hillary violating security placing folks at risk and is a liar, Bill is a rapist and womanizer, Trump will make America Great...even though America's been great although imperfect since 04July1776, Newsweek is a liberal rag like the rest of mass media. Breihart says this and it's good and balanced, Bush and Cheney were awesome, feared, and respected compared to the Muslim in Chief, Obama is the worst President ever Reagan was the best, Bush didn't draw red lines in the sand, and awayyyyy we go....
SSG Trust Palmer if I missed any of the usual catchphrases please let me know.
SSG Trust Palmer if I missed any of the usual catchphrases please let me know.
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