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Responses: 5
1SG G1 Operations Ncoic
Here's the thing I've noticed in my short time here. So many of the "influence" points leaders seem to just post needless comments on posts or questions that don't actually add any value to the question (i.e. Thanks for posting, great question, etc). This isn't a dig at anyone, just an observation. It really just seems to take away from the "value" of influence points and "influencer of the month" award when it theoretically can be gained without adding truly valuable content.
1SG G1 Operations Ncoic
1SG (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Drew Cook - I've been hesitant to use it because I didn't want to come across as "that guy" just trying to rain on everyone's parade. I don't think I've actually seen anyone that has been down voted.
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
8 y
1SG (Join to see) - I've done it a few times when it was really warranted- i.e., personal attacks, vicious and vulgar comments, etc.

I don't blame you for not wanting to be "that guy", and you're right, down-voting is rarely used here, because it doesn't get used properly. I promise you that anything I say to anyone here is not personal, as I know not a single one of you here personally. A downvote is also not personal, but instead a display that the comment or post does not contribute to this network in any form whatsoever. The RP popularity points are practically only based on posts, comments, and likes. My problem is that some folks just post any and everything they can get their hands on- everything from false, fantastical tabloid articles about politics to preachers dumping bible verses every 10 minutes. Moderators hardly moderate, administers sometimes even add to the trash, and RP has become diluted with a lot of that trash.

In essence, downvoting should be accepted here as a display of one's integrity and true influence. They will even themselves out. They're just internet points.
1SG G1 Operations Ncoic
1SG (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Drew Cook - That settles it, you've talked me into unleashing the fury of the downvote! I do plan however (and I'd advise others as well), that when I do give a downvote, I'll give an explanation as to why I'm down voting so it can hopefully be a teaching moment.
Alan K.
Alan K.
6 y
I always explain why a downvote is cast....Common courtesy
Along with the posting anything that isn't nailed down they tag 100 people every tome they use the head for cryin' out loud.........On posts is ok, but on every comment? I probably acquire 100-200 points a day just from folks tagging me that they answered a question that I was tagged on to begin with....Insane to just have points be that important, that you make yourself look like "less than bright"
My favorite is the 2 points....It means someone commented and you have a thread going....That's why I'm here anyway...Interaction
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SPC Margaret Higgins
Edited 8 y ago
Sending fervent prayers and good luck: to each and everyone of you 'Trending Influencers'.
-Best, Margaret ENS (Join to see)
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
I looked up the word. It really exists.

M. Morris RVT
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
ENS (Join to see)
8 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris
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