Posted on Sep 23, 2016
Family asked 2nd chance for suspect after he killed 1st wife
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Bypass the trial and the incarceration and straight to the firing squad, Old Sparky and maybe the prick of a needle. At no time should this be acceptable, and he should have never been given parole the first time. As to the people that wrote letters to the Judge in the first case, then they are either blind or stupid. Begs the question, if he received any type of counseling while in the first time.
Umm, 2nd chance. He has to deal with the man upstairs in the end.....
SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser
no the point is hhe got the second chance and killed his entire second family
SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser
4 kids + the second wife who he took a box cutter to her face...His mother is a buffoon
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Except I think He is going down the other way to a hot spot for His evil, there is no place for Him upstairs.
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