Posted on Sep 9, 2016
After outcry, Facebook will reinstate iconic Vietnam War photo
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
ARVN, not US, pilots dropped the napalm on recently overrun village near the then capitol of South Vietnam; not that that made any difference to those on the receiving end of that particular air strike. Kim Phuc was used by the newly established Socialist Republic of Vietnam for propaganda purposes and was sent to study medicine in Communist Cuba. While there, she met and married a fellow student. While enroute to Moscow for their honeymoon, she and her new husband left the plane that had stopped in Newfoundland for refueling and asked for/received political asylum from the Government of Canada. Their family lives just outside Toronto today. This updated picture was made several years ago.
That picture shocked the world as people got a first hand look at what napalm does to children from terrified experiences they will never forget to all teh clothes being burned off a yoing girl. Thanks for letting us know PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Obviously and unfortunately, yet not surprisingly.......someone was offended by the one naked child. Go figure..
SPC Daniel Brown
Some don't understand this is nothing compared to the Atrocities that happen in all wars where villages are pillaged, burnet to the ground, girls, women, boys raped and then everyone captured killed if not used for sex slaves (shot, hanged, set on fire) and bodies left as a warning.
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