Posted on Sep 6, 2016
GOP woos veterans, but Trump has rubbed some vets wrong w | MilitaryTimes
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
To all you who have delt with or been around nuke, His dimwitted spokesman who sa asked what is the point of a nuclear triad if you are afraid to use it still works for him. He also think US niuecear policy should be unpredictable.. Every president since Truman is rolling in his grave.
Not to mention he only respect veterans that were not captured
Not to mention he only respect veterans that were not captured
To be honest I expect Hillary Clinton has directly rubbed more veterans the wrong way than Donald Trump in her times as the First lady, as the Senator from New York and as Secretary of State she has directly affected many veterans SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. Donald Trump has interacted with some veterans as a businessman over the decades. I expect he turned some off and got others interested in his views.
I was initially turned off but the more I have learned about him, his family and what he intends to do the more I support his candidacy for President of the USA.
I was initially turned off but the more I have learned about him, his family and what he intends to do the more I support his candidacy for President of the USA.
Tyra Lynne Wahl
A lot of military members that I know and have talked to have said they will vote for Clinton over Trump because she is verbalizing a plan AND they know from experience of the former Clinton White House its going to be tough but at least it will be predictable. They also know that the promises Trump is making right now are not even realistically scalable financially. He also has absolutely no support from the Republicans that count in Congress when it comes to Ways and Means and the National Security Committees.
He can promise all he likes, the the fact is, the emperor has no clothes .... and he has little more than reluctant support in Congress and that is where the work is going to get done. Not in the oval, that is unless he plans to Executive Order his way into his changes.... but then that makes him no better than Obama and "we the people" have had enough of that already.
He can promise all he likes, the the fact is, the emperor has no clothes .... and he has little more than reluctant support in Congress and that is where the work is going to get done. Not in the oval, that is unless he plans to Executive Order his way into his changes.... but then that makes him no better than Obama and "we the people" have had enough of that already.
SSgt Ed Lewandowski
well this veteran is voting for him. I sure as hell dont trust killery after Benghazi and and all the emails that show she should be in jail for treason. Ive served loud and proud.
Tyra Lynne Wahl
SSG Stacy Mack -
Some of the smartest people I have ever known, who also happen to be active duty say "sometimes the enemy you know is better than the one you don't" and "the choice between two turds is about the same, they're still both shit".
My suggestion is that you read more than just the internet and watch something other than Fox News.... There have been many great articles throughout the last few weeks in the stalwart daily papers of our country.... you just have to read them. If you get your information from only a few sources and sycophantic ones at that.... then you really aren't as well informed as you think you are.
I personally am not voting for either one of them because I don't believe that either one is going to be good for America.
Some of the smartest people I have ever known, who also happen to be active duty say "sometimes the enemy you know is better than the one you don't" and "the choice between two turds is about the same, they're still both shit".
My suggestion is that you read more than just the internet and watch something other than Fox News.... There have been many great articles throughout the last few weeks in the stalwart daily papers of our country.... you just have to read them. If you get your information from only a few sources and sycophantic ones at that.... then you really aren't as well informed as you think you are.
I personally am not voting for either one of them because I don't believe that either one is going to be good for America.
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