Posted on Sep 5, 2016
Obama defends Kaepernick’s national anthem protest
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
MSgt C Madd
CPT Jack Durish Perfect.
GySgt John Olson You are right, and I will enjoy my 1st amendment right in saying he's an a$$hole.
GySgt John Olson You are right, and I will enjoy my 1st amendment right in saying he's an a$$hole.
CPT Jack Durish
GySgt John Olson - There's the problem. I don't see anyone disparaging the exercise of his right. They are disparaging the use to which it is put, which is, of course, their right.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Like I said before and what GySgt John Olson said "You may not like 'em, but you swore to defend the principle of having and using them." If you don't like his position, say it with your wallet
PO2 Dave Cutsinger
I understand where he's coming from and when you're in the public eye, this is an easy way to draw attention to your issue. There's no question that we have a serious issue with police violence against minorities in this country, but I'd prefer he use a different method to make his point. Still I support his right to protest as he sees fit.
The president gave that talk in a country that throws people in jail (or executes them) for less and defended a citizen's right to protest publicly in a way that is deemed insulting to the country and government. There's more layers to that than the headline gives away, but carry on with the authoritarian outrage, folks
colin has the right to make a political statement if he so chooses. Thing is that he is disrespecting all the Union soldiers that fought under that flag that freed the slaves during the Civil War.
Just as did the young woman that posted the first Flag Stomp challenge from the Valdosta State University, part of the University of Georgia system. But for that flag she would not have the freedom she does because she would be living under the Stars and Bars.
Just as did the young woman that posted the first Flag Stomp challenge from the Valdosta State University, part of the University of Georgia system. But for that flag she would not have the freedom she does because she would be living under the Stars and Bars.
COL William Oseles
But far better than when they lived under the Stars and Bars. And let us not forget that the Jim Crow laws and the institutional racism was brought to us by Southern Democrats.
COL William Oseles
GySgt John Olson - it may have been somewhat broad in the second comment, as some lived in the north and thus did not live under the Stars and Bars. Just as some Free Blacks lived in the soth as Slave Iwners. RE: 1840 Federal Census I f New Orleans showed that ~25% Of The Free Blacks owned slaves as opposed to ~4% of the Free Whites.
PO2 Amanda Morgan
What Colin did and the flag stomping challenge are totally different things. He used his constitutional right to protest but he did so quietly and yes it was seen and made headlines but he wasn't actively trying to take away from the National anthem. The flag stomp challenge is blatent disrespect
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