Responses: 13
Classic obfuscation. Average Joe is almost always made accountable. 97% of the time a Police Officer isn't. Sounds like the SFPD might have some rotten apples in their midst.
SPC David Hannaman
Any data to back up your numbers? I would have thought that any police shooting would be handled through channels of due process. Just because we don't agree with the jury doesn't mean justice wasn't served.
Police SHOULD be held to a higher standard. If a police officer is making racist generalizations he should be fired... period. Someone with that mentality just isn't a match for the job.
"To Serve and protect" not "Get them before they get you."
Police SHOULD be held to a higher standard. If a police officer is making racist generalizations he should be fired... period. Someone with that mentality just isn't a match for the job.
"To Serve and protect" not "Get them before they get you."
CPT Ahmed Faried
SPC David Hannaman - as requested. Most things I say can be backed by facts. I wouldn't post otherwise, this being a forum for peers and all. Here you : [login to see] [login to see]

Police Rarely Criminally Charged for On-Duty Shootings
Police are rarely charged criminally for on-duty shootings, but law-enforcement officials and critics differ on whether this should be the case.
Black on Black crime...everyone's favorite So how about we discuss those racists emails from the SFPD, Mr. Union guy
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
~ Evelyn Beatrice Hall
His protest was more constructive than shutting down a freeway or shooting police officers, so I respect him for that.
~ Evelyn Beatrice Hall
His protest was more constructive than shutting down a freeway or shooting police officers, so I respect him for that.
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