Posted on Aug 23, 2016
Black Voter SCHOOLS Trump And Republican Party For Their Pathetic Outreach Effort
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Let me quickly de-construct this clickbait garbage. I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm just a conservative. However there's some key issues here that Frazier misses:
1. Comparing Trump to George Wallace, a Democrat, as the most racially inflammatory candidate ever is just hyperbole. He's never said anything explicitly racist, but he has said things that liberals have called racist as an ad hominem attack, which is logical fallacy, when he addressed illegal immigration. It's true that gang members and criminals come into the country illegally, as our southern border is porous and its a drug/weapon trafficking route. If you're in the country illegal, you're breaking the law of the land, ergo you're a criminal. Facts don't care about your feelings.
2. Trump could have asked for black votes in front of a black group, but his message was for television viewers. I'm sure Frazier would not want to vote for Trump regardless of the situation so he's just searching for an argument at this point.
3. Frazier faults Trump for saying some black people are poor then gives contradictory statistics saying that 75% are above the poverty line even though this is a worse statistic than every other race. He just gave an argument in support of Trump's view that Democrats have let down the African American community.
4. He calls out Trump for making the statement in North Carolina where they're making legislation to stop early voting and Sunday voting. However, this legislation is tied to stopping voter fraud caused during same day registration and creating better conditions for poll workers who already will be working 6 days a week and want time for church, family, and rest. It also ignores that while 60% of blacks and 40% of whites favor Sunday voting, it's already illegal for employers to deny you the opportunity to go vote. Democrats already don't back voter ID laws and they benefit from voter fraud more often than not. There's 2.7 million voters registered in two or more states, and 1.7 million registered voters who are dead, and cities like Chicago have had dead people voting for decades. It's no surprise that Democrat states are the ones without voter ID laws. Conservatives are trying to protect the integrity of the democratic process. The counterargument made by liberals is that the lack of information on confirmed voter fraud incidents means that it doesn't happen often, but this is called an argument from ignorance, another logical fallacy.
5. "Blacks vote Democrat today because Democrats fought for their votes". ACTUALLY, it was Republicans who voted to end slavery, Republicans who voted to end segregation, and Republicans who voted in higher numbers than Democrats to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (by 82% to 69% in the Senate and 80% to 62% in the House), though that was during the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. The same LBJ said "This will have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 50 years", so he was a douche. Additionally, it was Southern Democrats like George Wallace who started organizations like the KKK. Frazier just doesn't know his history.
6. “Concerned about black votes this November, GOP?” Frazier asked. “Quit whining. Stop provoking. Start competing.” Frazier just doesn't get it. The GOP supports business freedoms and less taxes which puts money into people's pockets, which goes into the economy, which creates jobs and growth. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to re-take Economics 101. Conservatives, unlike liberals, don't trust big govt to move efficiently and spend efficienctly, which is why they statistically donate more to private charities rather than preferring govt-run social programs like liberals do. While they recognize the need for social safety nets, they believe that Democrat policies have led to dependence on the govt and stifled individual initiative and work ethic. Why work, after all, if you can get a steady welfare check which is the same as an entry-level job or better. This traps people, regardless of race, in a cycle of poverty. However, those people who succeed in this country, both in the African-American community and outside of it, will tell you the value of hard work. Those opportunities to succeed are out there.
Right now there's also an issue with inner-city communities where they are constantly told that there is racism out there in the ether that creates a glass ceiling for our youth. 32% of black kids aren't graduating from high school opposed to 15% of whites or 7% of Asians. African-Americans account for 13% of the population but are responsible for 50% of the murder, and single motherhood rate has risen from 20% to almost 70% since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. Now this isn't because any particular race is predisposed to crime or abandoning their families. This is the cause of a breakdown of the basic unit of society: the family. Why would a family stay together if they're financially better off with one single working parent in a relationship with the other single parent on welfare with legal custody of the children than married and off welfare living on that same single income? There's a culture problem in these urban areas and it's perpetuated by the victimhood mentality and the pattern of govt dependence brought on by Democrat policies. Take a look at areas like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland... they're all run by Democrats. All these areas are plagued by gangs and drugs which further destabilize families and undermine their communities.
Democrats have this naivety about them where they think that lighter sentencing for criminals is a solid answer. They discount the value of individual responsibility and look to historical injustices as the basis for current decisions. However, we're all responsible for our own decisions each and every day. This current policy allows career criminals, drug dealers, and gang leaders to be back on the streets and allows them to influence even more urban youth, pulling them into destructive lifestyles. The issue is that the Democrats are unable to properly assess the second and third order effects of their social policies, just as they are unable to properly assess the second and third order effects of their taxation and heavy regulation in economics.
Finally, the article closes by saying that the Republicans are infested by people who hate them. Hate groups are a tiny minority. For example The Southern Poverty Law Center estimates there are at most 8,000 KKK members across the US, which is a negligible sum incapable of influencing voting. They've been a part of both parties since they have other interests other than simply hating other races. They've been Democrats and Republicans, but we all think they're a bunch dicks. Perhaps some of those people like David Duke think that they can use the small government platform to enforce the "two Americas" segregation that they want by going back to pre-Federalism. Regardless, conservatives would never allow this to happen. We know that what matters is not the color of one's skin but the content of one's character. This is why the GOP remains the party of Lincoln, even if it needs to boot a few establishment career politicians, just like the Dems.
1. Comparing Trump to George Wallace, a Democrat, as the most racially inflammatory candidate ever is just hyperbole. He's never said anything explicitly racist, but he has said things that liberals have called racist as an ad hominem attack, which is logical fallacy, when he addressed illegal immigration. It's true that gang members and criminals come into the country illegally, as our southern border is porous and its a drug/weapon trafficking route. If you're in the country illegal, you're breaking the law of the land, ergo you're a criminal. Facts don't care about your feelings.
2. Trump could have asked for black votes in front of a black group, but his message was for television viewers. I'm sure Frazier would not want to vote for Trump regardless of the situation so he's just searching for an argument at this point.
3. Frazier faults Trump for saying some black people are poor then gives contradictory statistics saying that 75% are above the poverty line even though this is a worse statistic than every other race. He just gave an argument in support of Trump's view that Democrats have let down the African American community.
4. He calls out Trump for making the statement in North Carolina where they're making legislation to stop early voting and Sunday voting. However, this legislation is tied to stopping voter fraud caused during same day registration and creating better conditions for poll workers who already will be working 6 days a week and want time for church, family, and rest. It also ignores that while 60% of blacks and 40% of whites favor Sunday voting, it's already illegal for employers to deny you the opportunity to go vote. Democrats already don't back voter ID laws and they benefit from voter fraud more often than not. There's 2.7 million voters registered in two or more states, and 1.7 million registered voters who are dead, and cities like Chicago have had dead people voting for decades. It's no surprise that Democrat states are the ones without voter ID laws. Conservatives are trying to protect the integrity of the democratic process. The counterargument made by liberals is that the lack of information on confirmed voter fraud incidents means that it doesn't happen often, but this is called an argument from ignorance, another logical fallacy.
5. "Blacks vote Democrat today because Democrats fought for their votes". ACTUALLY, it was Republicans who voted to end slavery, Republicans who voted to end segregation, and Republicans who voted in higher numbers than Democrats to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (by 82% to 69% in the Senate and 80% to 62% in the House), though that was during the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. The same LBJ said "This will have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 50 years", so he was a douche. Additionally, it was Southern Democrats like George Wallace who started organizations like the KKK. Frazier just doesn't know his history.
6. “Concerned about black votes this November, GOP?” Frazier asked. “Quit whining. Stop provoking. Start competing.” Frazier just doesn't get it. The GOP supports business freedoms and less taxes which puts money into people's pockets, which goes into the economy, which creates jobs and growth. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to re-take Economics 101. Conservatives, unlike liberals, don't trust big govt to move efficiently and spend efficienctly, which is why they statistically donate more to private charities rather than preferring govt-run social programs like liberals do. While they recognize the need for social safety nets, they believe that Democrat policies have led to dependence on the govt and stifled individual initiative and work ethic. Why work, after all, if you can get a steady welfare check which is the same as an entry-level job or better. This traps people, regardless of race, in a cycle of poverty. However, those people who succeed in this country, both in the African-American community and outside of it, will tell you the value of hard work. Those opportunities to succeed are out there.
Right now there's also an issue with inner-city communities where they are constantly told that there is racism out there in the ether that creates a glass ceiling for our youth. 32% of black kids aren't graduating from high school opposed to 15% of whites or 7% of Asians. African-Americans account for 13% of the population but are responsible for 50% of the murder, and single motherhood rate has risen from 20% to almost 70% since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. Now this isn't because any particular race is predisposed to crime or abandoning their families. This is the cause of a breakdown of the basic unit of society: the family. Why would a family stay together if they're financially better off with one single working parent in a relationship with the other single parent on welfare with legal custody of the children than married and off welfare living on that same single income? There's a culture problem in these urban areas and it's perpetuated by the victimhood mentality and the pattern of govt dependence brought on by Democrat policies. Take a look at areas like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland... they're all run by Democrats. All these areas are plagued by gangs and drugs which further destabilize families and undermine their communities.
Democrats have this naivety about them where they think that lighter sentencing for criminals is a solid answer. They discount the value of individual responsibility and look to historical injustices as the basis for current decisions. However, we're all responsible for our own decisions each and every day. This current policy allows career criminals, drug dealers, and gang leaders to be back on the streets and allows them to influence even more urban youth, pulling them into destructive lifestyles. The issue is that the Democrats are unable to properly assess the second and third order effects of their social policies, just as they are unable to properly assess the second and third order effects of their taxation and heavy regulation in economics.
Finally, the article closes by saying that the Republicans are infested by people who hate them. Hate groups are a tiny minority. For example The Southern Poverty Law Center estimates there are at most 8,000 KKK members across the US, which is a negligible sum incapable of influencing voting. They've been a part of both parties since they have other interests other than simply hating other races. They've been Democrats and Republicans, but we all think they're a bunch dicks. Perhaps some of those people like David Duke think that they can use the small government platform to enforce the "two Americas" segregation that they want by going back to pre-Federalism. Regardless, conservatives would never allow this to happen. We know that what matters is not the color of one's skin but the content of one's character. This is why the GOP remains the party of Lincoln, even if it needs to boot a few establishment career politicians, just like the Dems.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
I'm ahead of You Capt'n, I had Fiorella's Jack Stack BBQ with Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat Beer for Lunch and German Ouzo for Desert.
CSM Charles Hayden
German Ouzo? What color was it?
I have some Absinethe extract that adds a different 'flavor' to my first Rob Roy.
I have some Absinethe extract that adds a different 'flavor' to my first Rob Roy.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CSM Charles Hayden - German Ouzo 12 is My Favorite, Clear. Now Absinethe that Shit will Screw You Up.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel A couple of things. One, if anyone white, black, yellow, brown red, blue or any other color thinks that either of the two front running candidates gives a shit about them, the issues important to them, or the condition surrounding them, they are naive at best, gullible at worst. The main difference (and reason he is at a disadvantage) is that Trump does not hide his "I don't give a shit about people" all that well. He is in the open. Hillary hides her lack of caring, and compassion behind rhetoric that sounds good, lacks practicality, and is fiscally unsound. She panders. She talks a good game, but shows nothing. So regardless of which is chosen, a vote for the R or D is a vote against one's own best interest.
The second thing is that media want to take Trump and republicans to task for the situation in poor neighborhoods, high crime areas, and poverty stricken areas. It is true that the Republican Party has gone from the party that is about protecting the people to being the party that protects the upper class. The problem is that they do not confront the democrats for creating an environment ready for riots and looting to occur. Look at the areas where the recent riots, and looting have occurred. These are in areas that have been held by democrats for several decades. The exception being Dallas which is an increasingly democrat leaning city in a republican stronghold state. I do not think Trump is a racist. I don't think this because I don't think that he has any ideology at all. He is only interested in Trump. This campaign has given the megalomaniac an unending amount of free publicity. That is all he cares about.
The second thing is that media want to take Trump and republicans to task for the situation in poor neighborhoods, high crime areas, and poverty stricken areas. It is true that the Republican Party has gone from the party that is about protecting the people to being the party that protects the upper class. The problem is that they do not confront the democrats for creating an environment ready for riots and looting to occur. Look at the areas where the recent riots, and looting have occurred. These are in areas that have been held by democrats for several decades. The exception being Dallas which is an increasingly democrat leaning city in a republican stronghold state. I do not think Trump is a racist. I don't think this because I don't think that he has any ideology at all. He is only interested in Trump. This campaign has given the megalomaniac an unending amount of free publicity. That is all he cares about.
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