Posted on Aug 14, 2016
Tell us what you think: What's the biggest difference between the civilian and military worlds?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
I resist the whole "coming home" phenomena as a career soldier. That is part of the rift. I have consistently tried to educate people outside the military circle, that his whole "coming home" concept, Isn't, with a professional Military. I don't really come home. I deploy, redeploy, PCS, and go into pre-mission train up. Rinse lather repeat. There is no VJ Day parade, release from conscription, and it is all over. It wasn't always that way, but it is now the common experience. Home is where ever my family is. The only real exception to that is our reserve component in the guard and reserves as they stay in their state or region, but even their career people have to move to create professional military opportunities for themselves.
The biggest difference is lack of shared understanding and experience.
The biggest difference is lack of shared understanding and experience.
It is somewhat difficult to make the Transition , but with help and assistance it can be done .
The military Structure and Daily processes... Become ingrained in The Troops... The Higher in The Ranks we go the easier it is to Transition into mid and upper level managements... and many Logistics fields are easily transitioned... but some folks are limited by the MOS/Fields they were trained in...
The military Structure and Daily processes... Become ingrained in The Troops... The Higher in The Ranks we go the easier it is to Transition into mid and upper level managements... and many Logistics fields are easily transitioned... but some folks are limited by the MOS/Fields they were trained in...
SGT (Join to see)
I agree completely. I get weird looks when I talk with non-military IT pros about my military IT experience, BBPs, and knowledge.
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