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Responses: 11
1stSgt Eugene Harless
In a way thats a good thing. We went in and accomplished the mission, which basically was defeating one of the largest, most experienced Armies in the world within 4 days of ground hostilties Starting, Every life we lost was precious but we didn't suffer nearly as much as we could have. Its better to have it not remembered as much then to spend the day putting wreaths on 15,000 graves.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
well said 1stSgt.
SGT Eric Knutson
SGT Eric Knutson
>1 y
Well Top, the way I look at it is that they do not want to talk about things that go correctly, it leaves them no room to back seat quarterback. We were highly trained and ready to fight the Soviets at the time (Cold war just ending you know, so the Russians were not up to the fight) so the Iraqis stepped up and we showed the world what we could do in our kind of fight (large formation kind). That earned us another 10 years of peace, the was of course squandered. Great training and leadership from top to bottom, the only failure to me was not letting us go for the throat, I think we could have avoided some of this GWOT if they had let us go all the way to Turkey.
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CH (LTC) Robert Leroe
My VFW post is having a celebration of this anniversary and have asked me to do the Invocation. I'll be glad to meet the very few fellow-Desert Storm vets from my area who'll be attending. Our names were added to the town war memorial wall recently.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
Thanks CH (LTC) Robert Leroe for remembering this particular group of vets. Hard to believe it has been 25 years for them.
SGT James Allen
SGT James Allen
>1 y
Please remind them that we did not fight the Global War on Terrorism, but defeated a tyrant leader and liberated a country. Thank you.
TSgt Sharon Harvey (Martin)
TSgt Sharon Harvey (Martin)
>1 y
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PO2 Al Mcdonald
Yes we kicked butt and took names with maximum effects! The quickest war in history but no one but Gulf War Vets know the true price we paid and still paying. Now I know how my Vietnam Vets felt, still today it brings tears to my eyes to see our best efforts down played! Semper Fi, Can Do and Rest In Paradise LCpl. Dion Stephenson, Recon Marine and friend.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
Well said and very true PO2 Al Mcdonald
PO2 Al Mcdonald
PO2 Al Mcdonald
>1 y
Thank you Sir, I lost my friend and had a birthday on the same war ground! I will never forget those who paid the full bill! OoRah Semper Fi Can Do and 1*SRT/TAC
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