Posted on Aug 7, 2016
Report: George P. Bush urges Republicans to back Trump
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11

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MAJ Carl Ballinger - is there anyone else who triggers your decency meter?

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MAJ Carl Ballinger - his public statement is the show of non-support. This can easily be seen as being a sore loser sort of Romneyesque.

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MAJ Carl Ballinger - what do you think of his growing the govt and supporting the GM bail out? He's fallible and certainly open for discussion.
CPT Jack Durish
MAJ Carl Ballinger - GW is a class act in almost every way. Not the best President or the brightest, but decent for sure (and a helluva lot better than his successor). But in this he is acting stupidly. The party didn't pick Trump. In fact, the party establishment did everything they legally could to dissuade his selection (unlike the Dems who committed illegal acts to make sure Hillary won their nomination). Why can't GW and the others accept the decision of We the People? Why must they use their influence to help Hillary defeat Trump? That's not very smart, especially since Hillary's win will have serious repercussions far beyond a four or eight year Administration.
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