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SFC Leo McIntyre
I've spent literally the last 40 years (20 active, 20 as a defense contractor) collectively in defense of this Country and the majority of that time being in the Intelligence arena. Between the FBI and DOJ NOT prosecuting Killiary over the grievous breaches of classified emails (this alone should have put her away for DECADES) or Congress NOT recommending charges against her for Benghazi, I can say with every fiber of my being that we are NOT America any longer. Especially, after this latest debacle over 'her party' being hacked and they KNEW about it!!! It proves one thing, the Dumbocratic party (especially Killiary) do NOT care about anyone but themselves!
Bottom line and in response to the question, if she by the remotest chance in hell is elected and I had enough money set aside, I too would pack up my family and LEAVE!!!!
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
MSgt John McGowan - John, the bigger question is, 'where and WHEN does it end?'. I have my own theory but it's NOT PC to post... LOL
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
SFC Leo McIntyre - There goes that dreaded PC again. We can't get away from it can we? What happened to the good old day when we didn't have it?
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
SGT Gregory Lawritson - Greg, I LIKE your humble opinion and am in FULL Agreement!! We are living in satan's world and the NWO is part of that mechanism. I quasi tease with people that if one day I look around and a bunch of folks are 'gone' and I'm 'left behind', well hell, it's game on and I know I've got more than enough 'equipment' to start 'taking care of business' with the remaining zombies! ;)
In all seriousness, I believe you've pretty much nailed it as I too have been saying since that traitor officially threw her name in the hat that THIS would BE the YEAR that determines whether or not we remain a Sovereign Nation. I get on the local talk radio occasionally along with some of the big boy's (Rush, Levine, Savage) to air my opinion and just said after the 4th of July weekend that we are OVERDUE for a revolution and it is boiling just below the surface where those 'elites' can't see...
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
WOW Greg, that is one serious testimony! May I share that with my men's group (I attend Celebrate Recovery) at Church? BTW, we 'witness' everyday of our life! You don't have to speak the Word to share the Word, if you 'live it' you 'share it', right? I'm glad you responded and I want to add you to my connections.
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SFC Kenneth Hunnell
Let them go, one way. No return
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
>1 y
Make sure they have own transport out of country within 2 hours of act. Then put them on no return list, for any and all reasons
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CPT Jack Durish
This was confusing. The embedded video reports on the increase in the numbers of people applying for citizenship spurred on by "anti-immigrant" rhetoric. Anti-immigrant rhetoric? What anti-immigrant rhetoric? Oh yeah, the Dems are characterizing Trumps very rational calls for caution in importing Syrian and other Muslim refugees as "anti-immigrant". Apparently, these candidates for citizenship haven't yet learned about the American propensity for political hyperbole. The print article deals with people renouncing citizenship (yes, confusing). They speculate that these are fleeing the responsibilities of voting while the others are doing the level best to participate. I can speculate that there may be other reasons: (1) To avoid penalties for not participating in Obamacare; (2) To escape the tyrannical administrative government that has metastasized in Washington; (3) To avoid the wrath of Islamic Terrorists hell bent on killing Americans. To be honest, I'd like to see the pace of the exodus pick up. There are several million progressives who would improve the temper of the nation by leaving to live under more authoritarian regimes rather than trying to create one here.
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