Posted on Jul 13, 2016
Bernie Sanders Just Made Jill Stein The Most Powerful Woman In American Politics
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
A four-way race: Clinton, Trump, Stein and Johnson? Now there's a vision. Sadly, I fear that Stein and Johnson are little more than stalking horses for the other two candidates and I'd hate to be one of those who wasted my vote on either of them.
SSG (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - I'm going to take the long view, it matters less who takes the Whorehouse this election, than it matters that we begin to break the Democratic Republican grip on political power.
SGT (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - Breaking the two-party system is long overdue. I just wish we didn't have to screw ourselves for the next couple terms to do it.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
With Respect CPT Jack Durish I would put forward that voting for a candidate that you don't respect, support, or want to see in the White House is a wasted vote. Voting for the lesser of two evils has gotten us to where we are now. GRIDLOCK in DC.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SSG (Join to see) - Right Wing, Left Wing, Same dead rotting Turkey Carcass. I hope this cycle is the start of the demise of our one and a half party system.
Hillary needs to be defeated and sent to jail , preferable a house should fall on her. No matter how much we hate trump or how much he screws things up. We survived almost 8 years of the divider and Chief we can take 4 years of an A-hole easy.
SSG (Join to see) Thank you for sharing this. I have been saying for a long time that "We The People" need to start thinking, and voting our moral values over voting who the media, Washington, PACs, SuperPACs, and tradition tell us to vote for. While I personally will not vote for Dr. Stein, I hope the she along with Gary Johnson can help wake people up to the fact that there are alternatives to the corrupt right and left wing, which represent the same group of interests. I would love to see our nation have four candidates who are all in the 20% range actually having to stand for something. Actually having to prove themselves worthy of our vote. Actually preparing to perform the tasks that the President is supposed to perform: Representing the CITIZENS of the United States in the Executive Branch.
The realist in me knows that there are far to many sheeple that will follow the ass in front of them and vote as they are expected. I know that we are going to be saddled with either Swillary Cliton or Don the Chump. I know that we are going to have four more years of freedoms trampled, bad laws passed, and general decay of the American Psyche.
So I close with agreeing with your sentiment: I sure wish it were true.
The realist in me knows that there are far to many sheeple that will follow the ass in front of them and vote as they are expected. I know that we are going to be saddled with either Swillary Cliton or Don the Chump. I know that we are going to have four more years of freedoms trampled, bad laws passed, and general decay of the American Psyche.
So I close with agreeing with your sentiment: I sure wish it were true.
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