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Responses: 4
SrA Edward Vong
To each his own, but I prefer my privacy and freedom. I grew up in a strict household.
SGT Writer
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I also love privacy and freedom. Less "where you going?" and "what you doing".
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PO1 Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
I lived with my parents a couple of times; first was when I was leaving for boot camp; earlier that year my lease was up on my house so I didn't want to sign another one. The last time, I was maybe home for like 2 months and that's was when I transitioned from AD to IRR. It was nice since I was able to apply more money to my savings so when I did move out, I had a head start on a few things. I agree Privacy is a big con in this but it's do-able.

These kids, I say that they are younger than me, are doing the right thing. They aren't being lazy about trying to set themselves up for success and they have great parents that keep them in their home. They are responsible and considerate.
SGT Writer
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That's a reasonable way to look at - as long as they're actively working to get out.
PO1 Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
PO1 (Join to see)
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SGT (Join to see) - But there are those who do it because they are lazy and really aren't saving any money. I have a childhood friend who has developed Aspberger's Syndrome (traumatic life experience?) and he lives with his dad, but he does work and takes care of things within the house (cooking, cleaning, etc.) At first I thought that he was just not wanting to deal with life, but I found out the reason why (his dad told me about his diagnosis, but idk if it's a legitimate diagnosis).
SGT Writer
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PO1 (Join to see) - That's a bit disturbing.Someone would have to knock me out to move me out of my home back into my parents. I enjoy my peace and space.
I'm doing a good job not saving money living alone.
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SFC Opsnco
This is sad on so many levels. The "con" that keeps coming up in this article is "lack of privacy." No kidding? Really? You think? Who would of thought that? The answer is simple: move out and get a real job, not some fantasy of graduating college and volunteering at a start up. Get a grip. The only one who has a real reason to stay at home is Sri Lankan girl. He cultural norm is to stay at home until getting a job outside the area or marriage. Everyone else is a Bernie Sanders supporter.
SGT Writer
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There's always one willing to inject a thread with politricks. I do remember Koreans having the same mindset towards moving out - when you marry is the norm. To me, that's pushing people to marry or go against social norms in a conservative area.
SFC Opsnco
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SGT (Join to see) - OK, so no Bernie jokes. Got it.

I do have to disagree with your last sentence. I don't think it pushes people to go against social norms or to marry early. In today's AMERICAN society we choose what we want to do. Ever try telling these young, fresh out of training and inexperienced kids what to do? They will look you straight in the eye and acknowledge you, but turn around and do the exact opposite. I emphasized the word AMERICAN because these kids are all Americans, raised on iPhones and Xbox. The only one who may have been pressured is the Sri Lankan girl, but something tells me she is just like the other slugs that were interviewed. All want something instead of going out and making something.
SGT Writer
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SFC (Join to see) - That statement was towards KOREA, not AMERICA.
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