Posted on Jul 4, 2016
On Independence Day, We Remember that “Freedom is Not Free”
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I certainly concur with you SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL The cost of freedom has been more gallons of blood than I would like to think about. This Hallowed Ground applies to battlefields in this nation in Europe, North Africa, southwest, southeast and northeast Asia.
In this world of instant gratification those who lack a true understanding of FREEDOM and it costs, will never understand why men and women of character VOLUNTEER today to serve a much grater good that leads to the dream of "...a more perfect union..." for a people that everyday must strive to remain worthy of that gift. So, honoring our men and women from all backgrounds that choose to serve is the beginning of what it takes to be - a genuinely free people.
Every President has that responsibility to rally a nation to continue to believe in themselves. We have to continue to remember that POTUS is only - one individual. We are >320 million individuals whose collective responsibility it is to lift up each other to leave our world, our nation, our community, our homes and ourselves just a little better than we found them. But, this takes work and honest dialogue. When we forget the words "We the people...." we forget what the Founders envisioned, not in the short for the nation, but what a vision of "...That nation so conceived in liberty..." must rise to become!
Every President has that responsibility to rally a nation to continue to believe in themselves. We have to continue to remember that POTUS is only - one individual. We are >320 million individuals whose collective responsibility it is to lift up each other to leave our world, our nation, our community, our homes and ourselves just a little better than we found them. But, this takes work and honest dialogue. When we forget the words "We the people...." we forget what the Founders envisioned, not in the short for the nation, but what a vision of "...That nation so conceived in liberty..." must rise to become!
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