Posted on Jun 14, 2016
'Where Does This Stop?': Obama Blasts Trump's Muslim Ban
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 18
I also agree. Trump is that kid who has daddy's money, made some more off it, and is able to hire folks to protect his ass knowing good and damn well all this mess he runs around saying would've gotten his wig pushed back a LONG time ago. Trump claims Queens. I seriously doubt his tired old ass would walk down there without a TON of folks surrounding him. He keeps his behind nice and safe in Manhattan. Visit BK, Boogie Down, The 36 Chambers, Undeveloped Harlem, Brick City, Chocolate City, Simple City, 210, or any other place like that and see if his tone doesn't change QUICKLY or he figured he could suddenly fly. If you enjoy listening to some buffoon talk the talk, unable to walk it, and act like he's the baddest thing in NYC, go ahead. I wonder how much smack Trump would be running if Supreme, Alpo, Meech, Henchan, Edmonds and various others decided to test how "strong" his words really are against that check his ass wouldn't be able to cash.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SSG Warren Swan - GOP leaders need to oppose Trump who represents nothing more than self promotion, greed, protectionism and insulting anyone who is not one of his supporters.
SSG Warren Swan
Sgt Tom Cunnally - Brother both you and I KNOW this. Both of us could probably agree that we have two of the worst candidates EVER running for office right now. I think we could both agree that these two came from the WORST pool of candidates in the history of this Nation. Weird thing is, folks are so hellbent on focusing on what HRC did that some of the things Trump has done, if he continues as President would be equally as bad if not worse. A simple example would be Trumps "anti-PC" ideas. Sure it sounds good, but try it against another nations leadership. HRC's ONLY somewhat redeeming factor is over the years, she knows the players and they her. I wouldn't brag about that if I were her, but it is what it is.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SSG Warren Swan - My old gut tells me something is going to happen at either the DNC or RNC Convention and we may see some another Presidential candidate be the nominee for one of both parties. God only knows that & he is too busy right now with so much else going on in the world ...
SSG Warren Swan
Republican Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) admits the GOP cut embassy security funding on CNN interview.
Benghazi: Republican congressman admits that the GOP congress cut embassy security funding before the Benghazi attack. Now they are whining that Obama is wea...
Sgt Tom Cunnally - I want to agree with you, but if Trump doesn't get the nomination, he's already said there would be riots over it. All of this stop Trump movement has done is make him stronger in the press, being everyone they ask to run against him says no. Would it be nice to see his face when they bring out who they want to win...hells yeah! On the DNC, I think after this election the RNC's chairman will be looking for a new job. On the DNC side, Schwartz will be long gone. She was wrong what she did to Bernie and the other hopefuls by favoring Clinton from the start. On the DNC side, who HRC picks to run with will decide her fate. Whoever it is better be a whopper of a VP. The position of power in this election is in the DNC's favor. Good or bad I don't care. I base that off the fact that most of the crap the GOP has promised when they took both chambers, hasn't been done. Was it twice at SCOTUS for the ACA and it's STILL here? War Power? They wanted Obama to ask for them, just to say they didn't want to burden the next POTUS with Obama's request. BUT YOU ASKED FOR IT? Bengazi will be another sore point. Millions of dollars, 11 or 12 independent investigations, all clearing her of culpability but all mentioning her having been negligent in her duties. I'm linking this interview being HRC was lambasted over the lack of security personnel. So why is she the ONLY one held responsible? In subsequent articles, Biden and Ryan both acknowledge that what was asked for in dollars for more men, was not given, but a lower amount by 300m was approved.
So, you agree with President Obama. What does that mean? What is it you think you are agreeing with? The President's position on Muslims and refugees from Syria is so absurd that it is reasonable to suspect that he is not only wrongheaded on this issue, but possibly even seeking to do harm to the nation. So, before I take off on anyone who announces that they are in agreement with him, I'd like to know what you really think his position is. What his justification is. Personally, I'm not among those who want to drag the Trojan Horse in through the gates and then celebrate what wonderful, well-intentioned folk we are...
SPC Andrew Griffin
CPT Jack Durish - BANNING ALL MUSLIMS!!! That's what he is calling for and that's what I disagree with!
CPT Jack Durish
SPC Andrew Griffin - Okay, thank you for the clarification. Two things. One. Say what you mean and mean what you say. You have the second part of that down pat, but the excitement of the moment sometimes can throw a person off. Write it. Take a deep breath (walk away from the computer if you have to) then edit it. Second point. Typing in all caps is like shouting. Let your words speak for themselves. People generally don't like to be shouted at. (Also, text typed in all upper case is hard to read - you can ask be off line and I'll explain - in another life I was a graphic designer and had to learn typography)... Please forgive me for lecturing (I sound like Obama). But you're a bright guy and I generally enjoy what you post.
Now, let's deal with the content. We have a problem. Terrorists are trying to hurt us. They aren't European, Asian, Malaysian, or Indian. They aren't Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, or Protestant. They're Muslim. Now, if you disagree with what I've said so far, stop here and respond. Tell me how I'm wrong.
If we're still together, I'll continue... Not all Muslims are trying to hurt us. However, it's hard to distinguish those who are from those who aren't and we don't have a reliable method of telling them apart. Vetting a person requires documentation. Who are they? Where did they come from? Do they have a criminal record? Do they belong to organizations that promote or support terrorism? Sadly, many, especially the refugees from Syria can't even document their birth date. Again, if you see anything thus far that you disagree with, tell me how I'm wrong.
The President and the Democratic candidate for President are counselling the nation to accept Muslims refugees in large numbers to be distributed throughout our communities. Once integrated, they must be supported until self-supporting. We will be admonished to accept them without reservation. Make them feel welcome. Look away even if they act suspiciously. Don't speak of any suspicions or reservations you may have or you'll be labelled Islamophobic or worse. Remember, the Orlando shooter acted extremely suspiciously and his employer feared reporting of firing him because he is a Muslim.
Now, if you've gotten this far without finding anything offensive or arguable, tell me: How can you shout at us, castigating Trump for counselling that we should pause and exercise caution?
Now, let's deal with the content. We have a problem. Terrorists are trying to hurt us. They aren't European, Asian, Malaysian, or Indian. They aren't Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, or Protestant. They're Muslim. Now, if you disagree with what I've said so far, stop here and respond. Tell me how I'm wrong.
If we're still together, I'll continue... Not all Muslims are trying to hurt us. However, it's hard to distinguish those who are from those who aren't and we don't have a reliable method of telling them apart. Vetting a person requires documentation. Who are they? Where did they come from? Do they have a criminal record? Do they belong to organizations that promote or support terrorism? Sadly, many, especially the refugees from Syria can't even document their birth date. Again, if you see anything thus far that you disagree with, tell me how I'm wrong.
The President and the Democratic candidate for President are counselling the nation to accept Muslims refugees in large numbers to be distributed throughout our communities. Once integrated, they must be supported until self-supporting. We will be admonished to accept them without reservation. Make them feel welcome. Look away even if they act suspiciously. Don't speak of any suspicions or reservations you may have or you'll be labelled Islamophobic or worse. Remember, the Orlando shooter acted extremely suspiciously and his employer feared reporting of firing him because he is a Muslim.
Now, if you've gotten this far without finding anything offensive or arguable, tell me: How can you shout at us, castigating Trump for counselling that we should pause and exercise caution?
SPC Andrew Griffin
CPT Jack Durish - I apologize brother! I'm not shooting at all! I just like to use caps and exclamation points! that's All! But I'm in Agreement with you!
CPT Jack Durish
SPC Andrew Griffin - Go back to my last explanation and then tell me how you're going to distinguish them
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