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Responses: 24
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
He's a One Trick Pony. The fact that the latest was carried out by a US Citizen of Afghan descent is beyond him. All he has to sell in this case is Islamophobia.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Bet the families of those slaughtered by the person that committed to ISIS on the 911 phone are Islamophobes too, particularly since their relatives were mowed down by the "American" citizen.
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - I committed myself to lots of organizations, even the US of A in the past, but the things I carry out are not attributed to those orgs or the USA, those actions are only my own.

For you to assume that the family members of the ones who died think like you do is ridiculous.
PO2 Investigator
PO2 (Join to see)
>1 y
TSgt (Join to see) - I think the big difference is, say in the recent Okinawa-US Navy incident, the organization has come out and said we do not support or condone this. This guy appears to be more of a home grown extremist acting on his own rather then on orders but regardless THIS is what the organization stands for. Their existence is a blemish on all people, including Muslims. That being said crazy people will always find a justification for their craziness.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - PO; The situation reminds me of the old joke with the punchline of "What we want to know is if you are a 'Catholic Jew' or a 'Protestant Jew'.".

MCPO Roger Collins - Master Chief, there isn't much "self-glorification" in saying "I'm going to dedicate myself to homophobic murders." so I wouldn't put much weight on him "dedicating" himself to anything that would allow him to delude himself into thinking that he was doing something "heroic" and "in The Good Cause".

PO2 (Join to see) - PO; I agree that what Daesh stands for is "the mindless and brutal murder of all men, women, and children that do not conform to their particularly narrow and reactionary interpretation of Islam".

I do not agree that "the organization" is Islam itself (which is actually a pretty non-uniform and non-hierarchic religion that doesn't actually have a central command like most "Christian" denominations do).
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SSG Gerhard S.
Perhaps, the question is "did the shooter "identify" as an American?"
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
One might conclude that he more identified as a radical Wahabbist-Islamist who considered his actions noble when he was beating his wife, and committing mass murder.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Or he was just another mentally ill homophobic person who used religion to justify their homophobia.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SSG Gerhard S. - Staff; A good question and one that we are never going to get an answer to.

However you might want to ask the same question concerning:

- A Bourbonnais, Illinois elementary school bus driver was charged with leading a homophobic attack on a 10-year-old student passenger on September 15, 2008. The boy was taunted by the driver who then encouraged other students to chase and beat the child.[159]

- Lateisha Green, a 22-year-old transgender woman, was shot and killed by Dwight DeLee on November 14, 2008, in Syracuse, NY because he thought she was gay.[160] Local news media reported the incident with her legal name, Moses "Teish" Cannon.[161] DeLee was convicted of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime on July 17, 2009, and received the maximum sentence of 25 years in state prison. This was only the second time in the nation’s history that a person was prosecuted for a hate crime against a transgender person and the first hate crime conviction in New York state.[162][163][164]

- Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, an 11-year-old child in Springfield, Massachusetts, hanged himself with an extension cord on April 6, 2009, after being bullied all school year by peers who said "he acted feminine" and was gay.[165]
- ustin Goodwin, 36, of Salem, Massachusetts was attacked and beaten on April 11, 2009, by as many as six people outside a bar in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Goodwin suffered a shattered jaw, broken eye socket, broken nose and broken cheekbone.[166]

- Seaman August Provost was found shot to death and his body burned at his guard post on Camp Pendleton on June 30, 2009. LGBT community leaders "citing military sources initially said that Provost’s death was a hate crime."[167] Provost had been harassed because of his sexual orientation.[167] Military leaders have since explained that "whatever the investigation concludes, the military’s “Don't ask, don't tell” policy prevented Provost from seeking help."[167] Family and friends believe he was murdered because he was openly gay (or bisexual according to some family and sources);[168][169][170][171][172] the killer committed suicide a week later after admitting the murder, the Navy have not concluded if this was a hate crime.[173]

- CeCe McDonald, a young African American trans woman, was attacked outside a tavern shortly after midnight on June 5, 2011, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[174] CeCe fatally stabbed her attacker with a pair of scissors.[175] She was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and jailed for 19 months in a men's prison.[176]
Mark Carson, a 32-year-old gay man, was shot to death by a man who trailed and taunted him and a friend as they walked down the street in Greenwich Village, New York, yelling anti-gay slurs and asking one of them, "You want to die tonight?" Elliot Morales was arrested briefly after the shooting and charged with murder and weapons charges on May 19, 2013.[177]


And I don't have the answers to those questions either.
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SSG Warren Swan
Sir, I'm going to throw this out there: After the OKC bombing, did anyone mention banning white people? With the violence in the Chi, did anyone mention banning blacks? When the PP shooting happened, did anyone mention banning so called mentally disturbed whites? When the reporter was killed in Roanoke, did anyone mention banning cross dressing gay men? When Palin was selected to be McCains running mate, did anyone mention banning stupid (I'm still waiting for that ban)? The punk who did these acts is just as American as anyone on this site. So banning Muslims won't have any effect at all. We went through this with the Bruce Willis movie in the 90's where they rounded up Muslims and some of them were cops, doctors, and many other professionals having done nothing wrong other than be the wrong religion and skin color. Taking away guns isn't the answer. Having more on the street isn't the answer. Having weapons in a club IS DUMB AS HELL!!! By banning people, we're allowing our emotions and our hidden hate to come out. We're telling the world we'll yell at you for banning so and so, but it's different when we do it. America has to come to grips with herself. She needs to understand that no one else is causing our pain, our divisiveness and prejudices are. It was a joke I remember hearing as a kid: How do you get black folks together and not argue, fuss, and fight? Have a funeral, and that will be the time we all get along. It shouldn't come to that folks, but hey who the hell am I?
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
One of the few times you have gone off the deep end.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - Can you explain how? I'm only trying to state where in other cases, no one called for a "ban" on any specific race or religion, but in this one, his race is a factor even though he's as American as your or I, and his religious beliefs are being questioned. I didn't single out any one group being there have been cases where ALL of them have done some really hurtful and spiteful mess to their fellow man. The KKK bless their hearts used the burning of the cross as a sign to get you know they were there, and it was a way to rally around in ceremony. Will Trump say "we're going to ban cross burning", or let his buddy Duke (who he claims he doesn't know, or know anything about white supremacy for that matter)?
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