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Responses: 5
CSM William Payne
Edited >1 y ago
Hillary Clinton aside, our justice system decrees that all criminal defendants deserve their day in court. It is protected by the Constitution. Once a lawyer takes a case whether voluntarily or assigned, it is their duty as a lawyer to do everything within their power to represent their client, regardless if they think their client is innocent or guilty.

See the OJ Simson Case. From everything I have seen or read, of those on his Dream Team that are still with us, none of them thought he was "innocent". But that had no bearing as to what they were hired to do and that was to get a sentence of "Not Guilty" in which they were successful.

And before we go the route of well none of them ever ran for president, there was this little incident in Boston on March 5th, 1770 where British Soldiers shot and killed five civilians and injured six others, commonly referred as the Boston Massacre.

A noted Boston lawyer by the name of John Adams, yes that John Adams, the future 2nd President of the United States, decided to represented the eight British Soldiers charged with the killing and injuring of the civilians. He got the charges acquitted against six of the eight and while the other two were found guilty of manslaughter for firing directly into the crowd and could have been put to death, got them greatly reduced sentences.

"The Part I took in Defence of Cptn. Preston and the Soldiers, procured me Anxiety, and Obloquy enough. It was, however, one of the most gallant, generous, manly and disinterested Actions of my whole Life, and one of the best Pieces of Service I ever rendered my Country. Judgment of Death against those Soldiers would have been as foul a Stain upon this Country as the Executions of the Quakers or Witches, anciently. As the Evidence was, the Verdict of the Jury was exactly right.

This however is no Reason why the Town should not call the Action of that Night a Massacre, nor is it any Argument in favour of the Governor or Minister, who caused them to be sent here. But it is the strongest Proofs of the Danger of Standing Armies."

—John Adams, on the third anniversary of the massacre

Justice in this country is not fair, it mostly depends on the resources of the defendant to procure adequate counsel, in some cases the luck of the lottery and the skill of that said counsel and as in the case of the recent Stanford swimmer and convicted rapist, the Judge's decision.

One can only hope that if one was ever in the need of a lawyer that the lawyer they hired would call upon all of their education, training, experience and tools in their rucksack to represent them to the best of their ability.

That exactly what lawyers are supposed to do. That's why it is called an adversarial system and why the legal profession is one of the most despised professions in America.
SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
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All very good and I suppose I'm being somewhat hypocritical in this situation considering that I completely overlooked Trump's misuse of loopholes to benefit his business financially. I marked it down as being a good businessman, Art of the Trade, Blah Blah Blah. However, they are two very different things. Trump deftly maneuvers backdoors of lawbooks in order better build his business. Americans miss out on some money somewhere because of it, the government misses out on some money also. Yes bad things but Trumps knowledge of these loopholes makes him better if not the best equipped to fix these loopholes he has used thereby preventing not just his own businesses but all businesses from exploiting America. Hillary steals justice from a little girl by assisting to acquit a criminal of rape. I don't see that skillset being nearly as useful as POTUS.

I do believe that anyone not voting for Hillary or Trump should still vote. The two party system has been broken for a long time. Every vote counted for an independent candidate counts in the long run towards creating a more effective party system.

Candidates changing party affiliation doesn't bother me that much. In fact at points I believe changes in views are required of any potential president. For to keep our nation on the straight and prevent a total meltdown the country needs to move along a path, not overly specific in any way but when the ship steers to far left you need to bring it back center and vice versa to appease the masses and keep from running ashore.

For example, my views go in this direction, a little on the conservative side, but when we've steered to far conservatively, then a more liberal approach may be required to finesse america back into a position where it is functioning properly and not going to implode on itself. However, if oversteer occurs and it always does, then your'e gonna have to correct again.
CSM William Payne
CSM William Payne
>1 y
Makes for an interesting discussion.

I'm playing the devils advocate here. In my many years I have learned that rarely is any issue black or white but are instead various shades if grey. I don't like sound bites or people posting easy arguments they pull of an Internet sight that just happens to justify what ever view point they support.

That's lazy and unfortunately where we are today. If it's on the internet it must be true. Scratch below the surface, do your own research.

That's why I love history.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Santayana
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CSM William Payne
CSM William Payne
>1 y
Just went down that thread Sir, it's like a parallel universe. Apropos seeing how we seem to be living in a Bizzaro World in this election season. You can't make this stuff up, it's like a bad made for TV movie. It would be funny if the future of the Free World didn't rest on its results.
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SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
Ok so shes a good lawyer. But she's clearly a bad person, completely lacking the morals that the military so highly values.
CPT John Sheridan
CPT John Sheridan
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - I have to agree with you on this one. To actually listen to the entire 6 minutes plus in that tape and conclude that it supports the contention that HRC is immoral or unethical and celebrating a victory takes some serious motivated reasoning. It is simply a conversation between her and a journalist about a case. At no point does she laugh to celebrate her victory. She did her job well. She challenged the evidence.

Back in the 1990's I also did a large amount of reading about Whitewater, the so-called Travelgate, and Vince Foster's death. None of what was said about her was actually supported by facts. Furthermore, much of what was said is demonstrably counterfactual.

So, maybe I'm not a big fan of Secretary Clinton, but when I hear a negative story about her, my immediate reaction is to say "BS, show me the evidence."
Capt Retired
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Gentlemen, I saw a cut from her e-mails that were "mishandled" that cut showed a word that I signed a paper that I would go to jail for a minimum of 5 years if I compromised it .
End of story. It was compromised by her emails.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Actually, Hillary isn't so much a good lawyer as the prosecution has bad ones. Look at the OJ case. I watched that thing and by the time it had ended, I would have voted him Not Guilty even if I had witnessed the crime. Marsha Clark and company bungled every aspect of it while OJ's defense team spouted bad poetry. As for the parallel between John Adams and Hillary, it doesn't wash. Adams was defending what turned out to be truly innocent young soldiers who, much like the men at Kent State, were thrown into an ugly situation with inadequate training and poor leadership. Furthermore, Adams didn't cackle with glee when he "won". Unlike Hillary who is a truly vile person
SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
SSG (Join to see)
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CPT Jack Durish - Thank you
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Capt Retired
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I have no problem that she defended her client, That is a lawyer's job.

With out much study, I have determined that this is now a political land mine. I have seen Hillary's responses to such. And it certainly does not make me feel comfortable believing her about anything.
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