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Responses: 1
CPT Ahmed Faried
Only in as much that Russia sinking it would be the beginning of the end for us all, otherwise carriers are no longer strategically relevant when we send them against peer-rival nations (china and Russia)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
I can't wait for the Navy to respond to this one. Thanks for being the target Captain.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
CPT Ahmed Faried - I keep looking for the duffleblog tag in your post Captain. No longer strategically relevant? China has no functional carriers that can fly airplanes into combat, and Russia has at most, one. If you've bought into the 'hyper-missile-makes-carriers-obsolete' syndrome, you (and those who espouse it) couldn't be more wrong. Missiles have always been a threat...and they're a threat that the people who write that hyperbole continually ignore the fact that carrier strike groups have formidable missile defenses, up to and including a screening unit placing herself in the path of the missile to take the hit. Submarines always have been, and will always be, a far greater threat. Don't buy into the hyperbole.

If you meant something else, well. I'd be interested in hearing it. Because clearly reality does not support your position.
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