Posted on Jun 3, 2016
1958 & 1974 Predictions That Came True (Robert Welch) !
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
Excellent 5th estate video.
Stay in the gym folks and have your gear squared away.
Mark A. Morris BS, RDMS, RVT
Stay in the gym folks and have your gear squared away.
Mark A. Morris BS, RDMS, RVT
You take your life - or at least your good reputation - into your hands and place it at risk just by listening to such ideas let alone offering them up to public view. The progressives have invested themselves in ridiculing such subversion of their ideology
SSG Pete Fleming
That is so true... Conservatives are the latest persecuted group of people in a long line...
LTC Stephan Porter
Not sure I understand your aversion to posting this. Many of us have been calling out the progressive leftist goals of destroying the US.
The US lost its way when it was decided to forget POTUS Washington's maxim to forsake entangling foreign alliances.
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