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Responses: 20
SSG Pete Fleming
According to the chart I lean conservative and libertarian... But I hate labels, I wish one just said American.
MAJ L. Nicholas Smith
MAJ L. Nicholas Smith
>1 y
I can remember when we were a "melting pot" and simply "Americans" instead of everything hyphenated and divided. We lose our potential as long as we're divided.
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
You just said you were Conservative and Libertarian, SSG. That's pretty much the same thing as American, so you're good.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - Thanks sir... I needed that
Lt Col Mark Avery
Lt Col Mark Avery
8 y
SSG Pete Fleming - In fact, it's more than that. It's very closely aligned with where the Founders would have landed, probably more toward the top of the diamond than the right, but still very much in that quadrant. Aligned with those who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to create this experiment in Liberty is a pretty good place to be if you've also taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic...
Sadly, today's political definition (or at least common usage) of the term Conservative no longer means "one who conserves the tenets of the Republic and the Constitution which created it." Similarly, Liberal no longer means one willing to let others live their own lives in their own ways without being required to conform to an externally imposed standard.
Maybe that's why, when required to identify a political philosophy, I choose "anarcho-capitalistic Constitutional originalist" - usually stuck with "Other" since the full version won't fit in the checkbox.
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CSM Geologist
I am a Heterosexual, Feminist, Christian, Libertarian that does not smoke pot. My red dot came out in freaky, but with awesome. Oh, I am totally not into labels.
1stSgt Pete Adams
1stSgt Pete Adams
>1 y
5 labels you are not into
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
Only one label is important... American!
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CSM Charles Hayden
CSM (Join to see) I was trapped!
Personal 80%
Economics 80%
Result =Libertarian!
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
CSM- No Sir. You were had.
Lt Col Mark Avery
Lt Col Mark Avery
8 y
Sadly, having a libertarian political philosophy does not align with any party, especially including the Libertarian Party. Many more Americans are libertarian than they realize. You're in pretty good company.
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