Posted on May 17, 2016
House drops plans to make women register for draft
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 12
SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas If women do not have to register for the draft, it should be OK to exclude them from the Combat Arms, Ranger School, SEAL training, etc. Women should not be allowed to pick and choose what they want to be equal in and what they don't. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
SGT Eliyahu Rooff
That might be considered a valid argument if we were actually drafting people into the military, but we aren't and it's likely that we never will. Signing up for a useless and unused system has nothing to do with qualifications to serve in the branches you mention. We would be better off if we just scrapped the selective service system entirely as obsolete and a waste of money.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SGT Eliyahu Rooff - What you say has merit, but... The Draft has not been scrapped and could be used again in the future if we get into an all-out war, particularly with the gutting that the current Administration is doing to the military. My comment has less to do with "qualifications" than it does with equality. Either you are equal in every respect or you are not. If you are OK with being excluded from the Draft, it should be OK to be excluded from other things. You should not be able to pick and choose what you want to be equal in and what you don't.
I, for one, recognize the difference between men and women and think there is rationale for excluding women from certain things based on sex. However, if the feminists and social engineers want to continue to blur or erase that difference, so be it. However, when that occurs, there should be no exclusions to the "equality" they demand, and the Draft is one of them.
I, for one, recognize the difference between men and women and think there is rationale for excluding women from certain things based on sex. However, if the feminists and social engineers want to continue to blur or erase that difference, so be it. However, when that occurs, there should be no exclusions to the "equality" they demand, and the Draft is one of them.
That is sad news in my opinion SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL.
On the one hand the military is pushing the concept of women serving in every military job yet for whatever reason they don't want theme eligible for the draft.
This reminds me of what I have reading around this nation in terms of transgender bathroom modifications. In many places the men's room is being modified with signs outside the door while the women's toilet area is quietly not being changed in part because of liability if any women was threatened in the women's room.
On the one hand the military is pushing the concept of women serving in every military job yet for whatever reason they don't want theme eligible for the draft.
This reminds me of what I have reading around this nation in terms of transgender bathroom modifications. In many places the men's room is being modified with signs outside the door while the women's toilet area is quietly not being changed in part because of liability if any women was threatened in the women's room.
CSM (Join to see)
LTC Stephen F. - I am sorry that happened to you, and thank you for sharing a painful time in your life. You did not deserve that and it was not your fault. Do we need women in the men's restrooms? Protection. Try and harm mother Lion's cub. Men/boys restrooms seem to be more dangerous than the women's/girls restrooms.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
LTC Stephen F. - Roger that! I am a Man and know where your coming from.
SFC William Farrell
I agree with LTC Stephen F.. Everyone wants equality but when it comes down to it, there is no equality, I wanted to grow long hair in the military but I never could. Can I do it now? I doubt it. Its just a minor bug of mine! Equality for All!
In my opinion SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL, it shoudl have gone through. And while we're at it, Id like to grow long hair too!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
They shaved my Head in Boot Camp and it never did really grow back. I got Robbed.
SFC William Farrell
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Yes, that tens to happen to some. Maybe you can get some disability out if it! LOL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC William Farrell - I should check with the VA and see what Percentage that is. My Head gets really cold in the winter.
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