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Responses: 8
PO1 Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
I'm not the one to spill about political-stuff. I hate politics on the fact that people's blood pressure skyrockets. I'm simple when it come to stuff. If something's broken, fix it; don't make a mockery about and continue to strive for something you had no idea of how to come to resolve it.

I'll bite the bullet and give my stance.

In the case of our three "candidates"; Hillary can drop out....like yesterday. The whole blowup over Benghazi emails and ignoring protocol and classification aspects, she should have a case pending for her and not trying glorify her means of being a good candidate. Sanders; it's all about promises he can't commit to. Let me point out something, NOTHING IS FREE. College? No, it's coming out of what we pay for taxes. How are we to afford those who want to go to college (and not just ride on the govt's back) when we can't get out of debt with other countries? We have other issues that need to be brought to attention than just a free-ride to college. Trump.....oh, Trump. Taxing citizens even more than what we already are being taxed, introducing more tariffs on imported goods? Build a wall to separate Mexico; he needs to look at history and see about the Berlin Wall. It didn't work and came down in the late 80s. And the empty tactics he has "I don't know how we are going to combat this but it will be great....." Really? Show me some actual proof, a doctrine that will show tactful and tangible ways of getting America on her feet again.

Stop talking/dreaming about it and show that we can get something. Even Fiorina had something tangible; whether it would work or not, at least she can show what her ideas are, not off-the-cuff salesman pitches.

Ok....I'm done.
Basically, what I want is someone who will not delivery empty promises but will show logical and basic ideas of how the candidate can make our lives, as United States citizens better and be able to help ourselves out of the hole we are now currently sitting in.

**DISCLAIMER** This is just my opinion. This is not to derail anyone's choosing for the candidacy of POTUS.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
9 y
PO1 (Join to see) SSG Warren Swan How long has it been since Army won against Navy?
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
9 y
Oh I found out. Current streak 13 years. WOW 13 Years the Navy has won.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
PO2 Mark Saffell - yes....13 long friggin years. I hope you still have your uniforms ready, and are up to date on all of your quals. The Navy recruiter will come to your house to pick you up the day after you loose to us....THIS YEAR!! I would say that the Army recruiter could come get me if we loose again, but he'd be doing me a favor and I'd more than likely go to him!
PO1 Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
PO1 (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - Right!?!! I'm still serving so the recruiter can come all he wants but he ain't gonna pull me away, lol.
If he wants someone he can take my husband back. Former 11B
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PO2 Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
OMG, that's hilarious... AND, too close to truth! One thing I DO like about Trump is how much his campaign has taught me about politics. I honestly don't think the average American (myself included) really has a clue on how things really work today (who pays who, who runs what, what votes count, etc...). That's been the most enlightening part of this whole campaign, to actually see how corrupt our system has become. It's downright scary.
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SGT William Howell
While funny and true, somebody please name a better candidate.

Let's see there is a socialist and a criminal.

There has never been a socialist country that is not completely corrupt or broke. I sure don't like the corruption now in Congress and 6 years of being broke has really sucked. So Bernie is out.

We can't trust Hillery to follow simple email rules, that even a knuckle dragger like me understands why they are in place. Not a chance I am voting for her.

That leaves Trump. Yes, he has no plan and the half baked ones he does have make no sense, but it beats "take from the rich and give to the poor". He understands that just because stuff is cheaper because it is made overseas means nothing if you don't have a job. He wants to build a wall to keep illegals out. I think a DMZ with shit tons of landmines is a much better option, so he has some compassion that I don't have. I can honestly say, Trump does not have one single government email that has fallen into the hands of our enemies. One up on Hillery.

So of 3 awful candidates, I am going for the least awful. No Hillery/Sanders 2016!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
A better candidate? Here you go.....
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
If that wasn't enough here you go....
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
Rick has not lied at all, and everything he's said has become true
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
9 y
SSG Warren Swan Every time I turn on the TV and election news comes on I feel like I have been Rick Rolled!
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