Responses: 3
I remember when ISIS stood for Israeli State Intelligence Service. I think that is Why I prefer to refer to them as Daesh.
I remember this idiot..good thing he left his laptop in his truck as he fled in 2005! - U.S. military: Al-Zarqawi was alive after bombing - Jun 9, 2006
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was alive when U.S. troops reached the mortally wounded terrorist leader after a U.S. bombing raid, a U.S. general told Fox News on Friday.
There is a lot of human arrogance out there to think we can control things with Violence, Fear and Money. We might do better wit Faith, Empathy and Respect.
SGT Rick Ash
We might do the most good by carpet bombing every ISIS stronghold of which we are aware. If Obama had any balls we would have destroyed ISIS when they numbered only 1,000, not the ten's of thousand they now have. They are pure evil. They live to torture Christians. Let's go get get them! These "pinprick" strikes authorized by Obama prove that bombs are working, the scale should be expanded so there is nowhere they can run!
Sgt Ramon Nacanaynay
SGT Rick Ash - War is obsolete in resolving differences we have better technology and we are better educated.
Sgt Ramon Nacanaynay
TSgt Frank Shirley - All life is precious. The "us versus them" mentality is too old. The "Golden Rule" is common in many religions. In my Christian belief Man is not just the image and likeness of God, but the Temple of the Holy Spirit. All our opponents are our brothers and sisters and our Greatest Commandment is to Love one another.
That takes Courage. Your response took Courage as well.
That takes Courage. Your response took Courage as well.
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