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Responses: 37
SrA Edward Vong
It was unfortunate that we had to win the war with those means, but those bombs save a lot of American lives and their allies. I feel Japan should've surrendered after the first bomb. Would've saved more lives.
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
GySgt Carl Rumbolo
>1 y
It saved not only American lives, it also saved Japanese lives, it saved the lives of people interned by the Japaneses, it saved Chinese lives... it saved European lives as it freed up resources that where used for the Marshall Plan - resources that otherwise would have been consumed during a drawn out ground campaign
CPL Robert Ray
CPL Robert Ray
>1 y
I was gonna say the same thing Gunny!
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CPT Joseph K Murdock
The bombs needed to be dropped to break the Japanese spirit and to show the world how terrible atomic weapons are.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
>1 y
WWII in Europe pretty much proved that strategic bombing does not break the will of the people; it only makes them hate you more.
CPL Robert Ray
CPL Robert Ray
>1 y
"I am become Death, Destroyer of worlds." I think this quote pretty well sums up what the scientists were thinking at the time.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
CPT Joseph K Murdock
>1 y
I am pretty sure the scientists who had a modicum of compassion have thought of the birth or a radically new weapon and how it relates to humanity.
PO3 Shayne Seibert
PO3 Shayne Seibert
1 y
Capt Michael Greene - Strategic bombing was effective, which was why they hated us so much. They also allowed for 6m jews to be killed, so there isn't a whole lot of morality in a population like that.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Depends on who you are asking the question.
MAJ Andrew Ready
MAJ Andrew Ready
>1 y
its not really fair to arm chair QB this. Totally different generations looking at this from a totally different set of eyes
CSM Thomas McGarry
CSM Thomas McGarry
>1 y
MAJ Andrew Ready - Major-Perhaps you should speak to a WWII Vet who was preparing for the Invasion of Japan prior to the bombs being dropped-I think you'll get your answer pretty quickly!!
MAJ Andrew Ready
MAJ Andrew Ready
>1 y
CSM Thomas McGarry - i agree. what people think about it today and what people thought 60 years ago is like comparing apples and oranges.
CPL Robert Ray
CPL Robert Ray
>1 y
MAJ Andrew Ready - Sir, I think history has counted the reasons and reasonings quite thoroughly. To stop the war where it was in September of 1945 while the nation of Japan was still intact as opposed to continuing to grind through the islands of that nation at horrific cost to all sides. Ultimately, it was the only way to end the fanatic march of the Japanese people, both military and civilian and the only thing that would have gotten Hirohito to call a stop to it all. At least that is my humble opinion on this subject as an historian.
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