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Responses: 19
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Sgt Tammy Wallace this is strange and unique. I have seen it all now!
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Capt Seid Waddell
Payback for the unjustified hate heaped upon him for simply defending his own life.

His life is ruined; this will provide something to make up for it, although it can never make up for what he has lost.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
To all of you who think Zimmerman is the bad guy, it's pretty obvious where you got your information. Had you bothered to pull your heads out of your asses and actually watch the trial and view all the evidence and listen to the witness testimony and the expert witnesses before passing judgement, you would have to be the idiots you are proving yourselves to be in order to come to the conclusion that Zimmerman did anything wrong. There is a reason he was found not guilty at trial. That reason is that all -- I repeat, ALL -- the evidence backed up Zimmerman's version of events and proved that 1) Zimmerman was not a racist; 2) Zimmerman did not stalk or attack Martin; 3) Zimmerman was attacked by Martin; 4) Martin was straddling Zimmerman on the ground and leaning over him, pummeling Zimmerman about the head and face and knocking his head repeatedly into the ground when Zimmerman shot Martin; 5) Martin's only injuries were scraped knuckles and a gunshot wound while Zimmerman sustained bruises, lacerations, and abrasions about his head and face. Maybe my words are harsh, but I'm tired of suffering fools in this case.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller, you are absolutely correct, but in defense of those that think Zimmerman stalked and attacked Martin - this is the story the MSM was putting out from the beginning.

They showed photos of Martin as a smiling 9-year-old, and not the 17 year-old doper and street thug that he was. They also altered the 911 call to make Zimmerman sound racist and showed B&W photos of Zimmerman that night to mask the blood from his scalp and nose – while claiming that he was not hurt. They also called Zimmerman a "white Hispanic" to set up the racist theme of a white man tracking down and shooting the innocent young black boy who was just going to the corner store for iced tea and Skittles.

People that didn't follow the story as closely as we did could easily come away believing the racist rabble rousing coverage by our left-wing media and the black mobs in the streets that they egged on. Not to mention our elected Dem politicians that pimped the story for their own advantage.

People depending upon our liberal/progressive MSM for their news are tragically misinformed.

Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
Capt Seid Waddell - I know, Seid, and I probably should have more patience with those that don't know what really happened. But it seems to me that there is a large segment of our society who don't care what the truth is and just want to continue spewing the BS that they heard from the liberal media, Sharpton, and Martin's parents and their attorney despite all the real, factual evidence that exonerates Zimmerman. I've never had a dog in this hunt; all I care about is the truth. Had Zimmerman been at fault, I would say so, and I believe you would also. I just don't like to see innocent people get unfairly trashed due to the lying or ignorance of others.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller, agreed. Many on the left filter out anything that conflicts with their fondly held ideology, so there is no cure for that kind of determined stupidity.

OTOH, I know intelligent people that simply never heard the facts; they just skipped over the news hitting the highlights as they went on their busy ways. This is the disservice done by our shamelessly biased media today.
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CW4 Guy Butler
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