Posted on May 12, 2016
Obama Admin: Transgender Boys Must Be Allowed To Shower With Girls At School
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
What will the Military do when men start to say they are female twice a year when APFT time comes around. I would love to have 35 minutes to do my 'run' in.
Capt Michael Greene
Colonel, just to let you know: If that statement is really how you're thinking on the subject, then you don't understand the subject at all.
LTC (Join to see)
SPC Cody Verba - Transgenders do not have to do this, they only have say they feel like the opposite sex. Just like the women in CA who was born white but felt and related like a Black person. Once the person has surgery and takes hormones they will assume that new sex and can not be called transgender.
Restroom with stalls is one thing, showering and locker rooms is where the real issue begins. I cannot find other sources to back up this article though so not sure how genuine it is.
Sorry, not in my lifetime. I don't think any guy should shower with a gal unless they are 1) a couple or 2) married. We have two times to shower in the field (when a shower is in fact available) Shower time for men, Don't think any gals will be in line. And show time for the Women, and yes, we guarded the showers. No men allowed with the women, and no women allowed with the men. End of story. What? I have to add time for "Others" a time for transgender men, and another for transgender women. I don't think so. But I expect The Gunny would have a real witty comment to make....
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