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Responses: 5
SSG Warren Swan
My issue with this is if you KNOW the county you're visiting has issues with foreigners WHY GO THERE? This is like folks who went on "vacation" to Iraq during the war taking photos with troops and their equipment. If something went down, who do they think is going to protect them? Those troops will be fighting for each other; not your dumb vacationing ass. In NK's case, it's not like they haven't been in the news enough prosecuting foreigners for "crimes against the state". If your dumb ass can go there, your dumb ass can stay there. I don't feel sorry for them one bit.
SPC Matthew Eccles
SPC Matthew Eccles
>1 y
I agree, it not like NK is coming to the US and capturing Americans. No, I fact Americans are going there even with travel warning, and so expect to be arrested...
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - Staff; Just a brief side bar to let you know that the DPRK is NOT the only country that has "crimes against the state". In fact, just about all countries have criminalized "crimes against the state" - they just don't use quite as semantically loaded terms for them.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - Sir, I'd agree with you on that. I'd maybe use "political prisoner" being that is really what they are. They're "captured" aka "arrested" and read a pre-made "confession". But in NK's case, they're KNOWN for doing this, and it's not new so, why is it even news when someone is arrested for crimes against the country? If you know the stove is on and hot, I tell you not to touch it and you do anyways, well your burned hand is on you. It's the same as that doctor that ISIS killed last year. It's very admirable that she wanted to make a difference and help the world. But common sense would or SHOULD have told her to pick a better spot to make that change. You go into a hotbed of hell with no weapon and think someone cares about you? I'm not saying her being killed was right or anything close, but her being there was stupid, and the family criticizing the government wasn't smart. Obama didn't send her there.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - Staff; What the DPRK is likely to do is "known" only to those who actually make some effort to find out.

One of the other reasons why people go to stupid places and do stupid things when they get there is because they can't stop the mantra "I am an AMERICAN and there is nothing that any FOREIGNER can do to an AMERICAN." running through their mind (?).
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
North Korea, doing what ever it can to stay in the news. "Find me the man and I will find the crime."
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
No sympathy for morons who travel to North Korea.
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