Posted on Apr 29, 2016
6x9: a virtual experience of solitary confinement – 360 video
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
Unfortunately jail and prison is not meant to be a pleasant experience. Whether or not everyone in jail or prison is guilty for the crime that landed them there (or at least the punishment fits the crime) is a whole other debate. However, in an environment where you have large groups of seemingly like-minded criminals, the balance has to be obedience and conformity. Solitary Confinement is an extended punishment for not observing the rules and standards that keep a prison orderly or safe. To the person on the outside looking in, the standards and rules might not make sense or seem so important, but they have a purpose. In my opinion, it takes a conscience effort for an offender to make the decision to violate (or not violate) the rules and there are consequences for that behavior.
PFC Daniel Starrett
Overall I agree with you. However, I do not agree with imprisonment being a punishment; or rather, I don't agree with it being solely punishment. If the person is not in prison for life, then there should be some form of rehabilitation involved as well in order to give them their best chance at an honest life after they get out. Otherwise we just keep spending more and more money on the same criminal as we release them only to rearrest them, try them in court, detain them for 5+ years, release them, arrest them again........
And although I agree with solitary confinement for the same reasons you made (as well as for personal safety of the inmate themself) I do NOT agree with it being tacked on as additional time. It should just be "ok you wont follow the rules (or you need safety) you stay in the box" and when their time is up, they get released
And although I agree with solitary confinement for the same reasons you made (as well as for personal safety of the inmate themself) I do NOT agree with it being tacked on as additional time. It should just be "ok you wont follow the rules (or you need safety) you stay in the box" and when their time is up, they get released
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