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Responses: 7
PO2 Mark Saffell
All I can say is look at MSNBC it you want to see a program so full of hate and lies that most have been fired now in the hopes of trying to get out of the basement in ratings. I mean think about it. Al Sharpton and Mr Ed the talking A$$? Those people hate anyone that isn't black or union. Sharpton has made a fortune that he failed to pay taxes for pitting races against each other and creating hate.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
That may very well be truth but how much anti-government rhetoric do you hear from the MSNBC pundits? Sure, they are in it for the money too BUT they aren't advocating splitting from the DNC because the horse they are backing might not win.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
Not so sure that is true. I agree Trump is a dipstick and if he doesn't get his way he sucks as a human if he runs as an independent. But MSNBC doesn't talk about what will happen at the DNC if the super delegates pick HRC when the people pick Bernie. They also forget the riots in the I believe 1968 DNC because of this. And lets get real. trump is whatever Trump thinks will get him what he wants. He is more Democrat than GOP.
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SrA Edward Vong
Edited >1 y ago
The news (no matter what your source is) for the most part delivers accurate facts. The events did indeed happen. How it's being portrayed whether it's going to lean towards the left or right is up to which station you are tuning into.

For myself, I read whichever comes up first on my feed and try to filter out the "emotion". If a person got shot, the person got shot. If a celebrity died, the celebrity died. If we're at war, we're at war. If the POTUS has delivered a questionable speech, I'll listen to the speech and make my own opinion based on what I heard. I don't need to hear the someone elses opinion.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
>1 y
Deserving of a mike drop, Good Senior
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
>1 y
SP5 Christine Conley
I think a big issue is that most are content with where they get their information, especially when it goes with what they believe. Many also have a problem with keeping an open mind to other ideas. This goes for both ends of the spectrum. Many say I lean slight towards the left, however I try to look at information without bias and see the benefits of both ideas.

One thing I would like to note is statistics. The left say since Obama took office all these good things happened (unemployment went down, etc), and the right said things have gotten worse. Both sides seemingly have facts to back up their claim. Who's right? When you look deeper into it, there is a truth to both claims.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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