Posted on Apr 8, 2016
GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
Think of the millions the Democrats wasted when they ran the show and held multiple hearings to prove Hillary innocent of any wrong doing. Then with one attempt, the new committee uncovered the evidence (unauthorized email server, perjury, etc) that has inspired an in-depth FBI investigation. Sounds to me like we got our money's worth. Now, will she be indicted? That's up to the White House...
Remember, that's what we deserve, with a reelection rate of 90 % +, it is our fault for voting for them!
Or think how many hearings could have been saved if those being questioned would actually tell the truth.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
So again you have no proof of lies. And if they prove all those people lied about Bengazi then I will apologize. Don't forget Bengazi is not about emails two different animals.
CPT (Join to see)
MSgt Michael Bischoff - What difference does it make at this point, anyway, I guess?
PVT Robert Gresham
MSgt Michael Bischoff, I believe that lying about Benghazi would be the smallest of Clinton's sins, if found to be true. How about the fact that a US ambassador and three other Americans, serving their country were killed. and up to 32 Americans were denied military assistance at the consulate, and CIA safe house, due to then Secretary Clinton's refusal to authorize armed reinforcements for them?
MSgt Michael Bischoff
Again "7" other committees found nothing,but if you believe the other sources then why are we having another committee spending millions doing nothing but promoting their own political careers saying look what I did. Blah blah blah
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