Posted on Apr 1, 2016
Army Relents, Grants Waiver to Let Sikh Officer Wear Beard, Turban
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 17
SSG Charles Davis
You have to look at how old that regulation is. The sole purpose for shaving was to accommodate wearing a protective mask. Look through historical photos, before the protective mask was issued. Beards everywhere. This man proved his loyalty and fighting spirit. His religious beliefs should not be if road or brushed aside, because regulations havent beem updated to reflect who is serving.
I have read the entire post and this Capt.Simratpal Singh seems to uphold the highest traditions and honors of the US Military I would trust him in the same foxhole with me if he were wearing a beanie hat and clown shoes just saying
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SGT Philip Roncari I would be worried if he was wearing a beanie hat and clown shoes! One word - "Military" and the rest of the words should follow from there. Thank you for your comments.
SGT Philip Roncari
Please excuse an old man's confusion with your comment but I was so impressed with Capt. Singh's actions during his deployment that the wearing of a turban and beard is an issue which I feel the Army will in it's infinite wisdom figure out
LTC Charles Hamilton
I would prefer to have a sikh at my back than just about any other soldier. I served with a few in RVN and found them to be exceptional!
I'm a little torn between this whole issue SP5 Mark Kuzinski. I've always had the attitude that TSgt Dan Sawn had but then i look to the other side and to what is happening to our military. Are we evolving? All past things that we had adhered to are being tossed aside and todays military is a different military than when I retired in 1996.
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