Posted on Mar 25, 2016
Guy Drinks A Whole Bottle Of Hennessy Less Than 1 Minute
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 14
Everybody does something stupid once in their life. Some of us did LOTS of stupid stuff, but it was before social media so we have the ability to deny it.
SSG Warren Swan
CSM I know FOR A FACT I've done some IGNANT (no not ignorant), IGNANT shit in my time. Ignant is when you can't even fathom the level of stupidity you just crossed, and you cannot be yelled at being your NCO's are amazed that you're still here. But at my worst points, I never took a fifth to the head and drank ALL of it. If I could get two seconds out of the bottle I was amazed, and soon not remembering a damn thing. But in all of my "glorious" stupidity, I never wound up in the hospital, on any "real" extra duty. Being made to work extra days in the sun wasn't as bad as being busted, and still having to do that. But THIS is bad. And while it was somewhat funny, when I first saw this on FB, the FB clowns thought this was "cool" and hilarious. What got me was the SM's who thought it was cool. That is what got me to post it here.
Knew a few guys like that. I even did something like that............only with Rumplemintz
MSG (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - Puked a sh*t ton..............and was still drunk when the 1SG woke me up about 7 hrs later to tell me there was a Health and Welfare check about to start.
SSG Warren Swan
MSG (Join to see) - Health and're STILL drunk? Did you have the worlds nicest 1SG or were you just that lucky? Knowing my luck, 1SG, the PSG, SQD LDR and TM LDR would all be right there salivating at the chance to "deal" with me once 1SG released them from parade rest. In this case I'm not even joking. I have bad luck in some things. And you weren't in the hospital? That much is impressive.
MSG (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - Well, here is the full story.
So, this one particular night, as I was sitting in my barracks room getting the map overlays completed for the upcoming rotation (I was stationed at FT Irwin) and partaking in a beer or two while I get the map ready, I get a knock on my door telling me I need to come down to room whatever number it was. Turns out, the XO's driver, SPC Miller, was PCSing and it was a going away shindig. So, I figured I would head down there, hang out for a few, have some drinks and laughs with the guys. So I get to the room, and proceed to have a few more beers, and then after a bit, a big ass bottle of Cuervo gets passed around. I take a hit from the bottle and pass it off and chase it down with my beer. Then, there it was. Sitting on the desk. The bottle of Rumplemintz. As I had it mixed with other stuff, I had never got a sniff of it plain. So, I open the bottle to get a whiff and SPC Miller comes over and tells me that if I am gonna hit from it I better hit it hard. So, my stupid self, I shrug my shoulders and upended the bottle. It was about half full. Killed the bottle. SPC Miller was impressed (he was also drunk to boot) and told me that he don't care what other people say that I am alright in his book. So I proceed to have another beer.TTHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN the Cuervo gets passed again. So I take another hit. And in about 5 seconds, some stomach contents come up. Luckily I was next to the sink. Rinse the sink out and bid everyone a good night as I really started to feel the drunk coming on. Stumbled back to my room and passed out on my bed.
The next thing I know, is my leg is getting tapped hard and I hear someone telling me to get up. I finally open my eyes, and I see 1SG by my wall lockers and closing them and locking them. He tells me there is a H&W and I need to get outside. So I stumble outside and wait til the inspection is over. Luckily I wasn't working that day. Still drunk as a skunk I went back to bed when it was all done. And I never even had to see my squad leader, nor my platoon sgt, nor my 1SG for being trashed as I was.
And yes, 1SG Howard Arnett was a damn good 1SG.
So, this one particular night, as I was sitting in my barracks room getting the map overlays completed for the upcoming rotation (I was stationed at FT Irwin) and partaking in a beer or two while I get the map ready, I get a knock on my door telling me I need to come down to room whatever number it was. Turns out, the XO's driver, SPC Miller, was PCSing and it was a going away shindig. So, I figured I would head down there, hang out for a few, have some drinks and laughs with the guys. So I get to the room, and proceed to have a few more beers, and then after a bit, a big ass bottle of Cuervo gets passed around. I take a hit from the bottle and pass it off and chase it down with my beer. Then, there it was. Sitting on the desk. The bottle of Rumplemintz. As I had it mixed with other stuff, I had never got a sniff of it plain. So, I open the bottle to get a whiff and SPC Miller comes over and tells me that if I am gonna hit from it I better hit it hard. So, my stupid self, I shrug my shoulders and upended the bottle. It was about half full. Killed the bottle. SPC Miller was impressed (he was also drunk to boot) and told me that he don't care what other people say that I am alright in his book. So I proceed to have another beer.TTHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN the Cuervo gets passed again. So I take another hit. And in about 5 seconds, some stomach contents come up. Luckily I was next to the sink. Rinse the sink out and bid everyone a good night as I really started to feel the drunk coming on. Stumbled back to my room and passed out on my bed.
The next thing I know, is my leg is getting tapped hard and I hear someone telling me to get up. I finally open my eyes, and I see 1SG by my wall lockers and closing them and locking them. He tells me there is a H&W and I need to get outside. So I stumble outside and wait til the inspection is over. Luckily I wasn't working that day. Still drunk as a skunk I went back to bed when it was all done. And I never even had to see my squad leader, nor my platoon sgt, nor my 1SG for being trashed as I was.
And yes, 1SG Howard Arnett was a damn good 1SG.
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