Posted on Mar 19, 2016
Pentagon chief: Obama wants to defeat ISIS by end of his term
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
SGT Jonathon Caldwell it would be nice to see, he needs more time. ISIS is growing and is expanding its territory throughout the middle east/Africa.
SGT Jonathon Caldwell
I fully agree it would be nice. But I don't think a 9 month timetable is not feasible without a larger effort from our military
We have never had a discernible plan to defeat ISIS. I believe that we don't have a foreign policy either. With all of the military cuts over the last seven years or so, I doubt that we could muster a force large enough to do the job quickly. In hearing from soldiers who have had recent deployments, they say that current rules of engagement strongly favor the enemy. ISIS has also reached the point that defeating them militarily will cause a whole lot of collateral damage. I don't believe that anybody in the current administration has the guts to do what must be done to accomplish this.
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