Posted on Mar 17, 2016
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl explains his reasoning in newly released documents
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
He may have even convinced himself, at this point, that his cause was just and pure. It doesn't matter under the law. He knew he was planning desertion, and he knew desertion was a UCMJ violation.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
"Technically" what he was "planning" (as stated) was AWOL/UA as opposed to Desertion, since he was heading to another post/base/FOB. His "capture" triggered Desertion, and the secondary charge of "Misbehavior Before the Enemy" is the real issue.
If the prosecution can prove their case regarding that, he is #%^$%&.
If the prosecution can prove their case regarding that, he is #%^$%&.

Suspended Profile
Funny how I've not read any comments from other guys in his unit say that their leadership was a mess. Someone point me in the direction so I can read them -if there are any. There are no excuses for what he did. Anyone remember his parents' visit to the White House? Remember what this administration did to get Bergdahl back? The lives lost searching for him? I rolled my eyes so hard after reading the Army Times' article, I darn near got whiplash.
SSG Warren Swan
SGM, my view on him is the same as everyone else's but where I differ from most is in the fact NO MATTER WHAT we had NO choice but to do everything in our power to get him back. SSG Maupin had been dead years and we got him home and buried on his soil. Had we NOT gone after him or said chalk it up as a loss, what are we telling the next troop who gets captured? Yes I know he left willingly, but that wasn't briefed in the US, while those of us near him knew it that night. We are the ones who preach the creed, ethos, whatever, and those documents we hold dear are what holds us accountable if we didn't use every mean to get him back. Trading these five assholes to get him while a HIGH price, goes to show how far (Personal opinion does not matter, and that we don't deal with terrorists crap stow it) we'd go to get the LAST MAN. We cannot undo what was done. We can give him his chance in court, and allow a jury of his peers to do their thing. I'm glad in this sense I'm retired so I don't have to lie and say I have no opinion of this man. He;s guilty as hell. Good luck finding ANYONE who thinks differently. For the Brothers we lost getting him, I've mentioned what I'd like to see happen with this, so he'd never forget. We also need to stop believing that the government doesn't deal with terrorists. We do, we have, and we will. Face the facts and be honest with everyone tho. SGM this wasn't directed at you, your comment made me think, and this comes out.

Suspended Profile
SSG Warren Swan - no worries. My only issue was the release of 5 GITMO detainees without the approval of Congress to get him back.
He is a traitor and his actions sacrificed the lives of others. His excuses are a way of trying to cause empathy but I don't believe any of what's in this article.
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