RP Members Are there better Transition Options available for Veterans?
I WILL TELL YOU THERE ARE! One such option is called - REBOOT!
Here is great organization that has one of our veterans sitting as the Chairman of Board for National Veterans Transition Services, Inc.
Capt Jim Wong Check out the website:
http://www.nvtsi.orgHere are some great media resources to give you a better look at the program
Band of America Video:
http://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/partnering-locally/reboot.html#fbid=A5ZhPIYuGcXFord Women’s REBOOT video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK5nODYlFiYREBOOT Weekly overview -
https://vimeo.com/65770196For more information on enrollment:
http://www.nvtsi.org/enrollFounded in 2010, National Veterans Transition Services Inc. (NVTSI) is a San Diego-based 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian life and securing meaningful employment by combining best-practice performance social solutions and techniques. The organization was established by a group of retired high-ranking Naval and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals who seek to fill a tremendous gap in veteran services. The mission of NVTSI is to assist veterans in making a transition from military service to civilian life, with all veterans achieving, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of employment and career, education, living situation, personal effectiveness/wellbeing, and community-life functioning.
Every year, 250,000 military veterans transition from each of the five branches of the United States Military back into the civilian population (American Forces Press, 2013). The extreme difference between military life and civilian life results in a challenging transition process for service members. Many of our veteran heroes return home requiring unique support to ensure they successfully reintegrate into the civilian population. For returning service members, many experience difficulty reintegrating into their families, workplaces, and communities.
Veteran service members face a number of reintegration challenges when returning home, including physiological and behavioral disorders, broken identity, cultural gaps between military and civilian life, limited professional and social networks, lack of civilian work experience, translating military experience into civilian job skills, and veteran suicide. While most service members are routed into the Department of Defense Transition GPS Program (T-GPS), the T-GPS program primarily focuses on vocational transition. As a result, many stakeholders are seeking a supplementary program that addresses the behavioral and social challenges of military reintegration.
To fill this need, U.S. Navy veterans, Retired Rear Admiral Ronne Forman and Retired Master Chief Petty Officer Maurice Wilson, founded the non-profit organization National Veterans Transition Services Inc. (NVTSI) in 2009 to serve their fellow service members. NVTSI developed REBOOT WorkshopsTM, a groundbreaking and comprehensive military transition program that addresses the personal and social aspects of transition targeted at increasing self- esteem and self-efficacy. Since its inception, REBOOT has made a profound impact on the lives of nearly 1,500 heroes. REBOOT’s three-week program features a highly hands-on, interactive, research-based curriculum that addresses three key areas necessary for effective transitioning: Personal Transition, Lifestyle Transition, and Career Transition.
REBOOT has created an innovative program that addresses the personal and social needs of the transitioning service member. While the REBOOT program has proven to be 98% successful, a bold expansion plan to maintain this premier program necessitate increased funding and support.
Here are some additional resources about the program to review:
White paper on REBOOT by four doctoral students from Pepperdine University:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/iruwzicz8f1gxpj/REBOOT%20Whitepaper%20FINAL.pdf?dl=0Operation REBOOT, employer ask:
National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. aka REBOOT
4007 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 203
San Diego CA 92108
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