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Responses: 7
SGM David W. Carr  LOM, DMSM  MP SGT
SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC Stephen F. CPT Walt Tollefson During WWI my grandfather served as a gunner on the USS Caldwell (DD-69) which proformed escort duty in the North Atlantic; after the war transported troops to Brest, France and was part of President Wilson's escort for the treaty signing. He really enjoyed Paris especially Notre Dame even thou not a catholic. I saw what he meant during my various visits to Paris.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
>1 y
Thank you - that is fantastic!!
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
The age of the Battleship peaked in WWI SP5 Mark Kuzinski when aircraft, tanks and self propelled artillery which dominated in WWII were introduced. Battleships especially our battleships are descended from the ironclads of the US civil war - particularly the Monitor with its rotating gun turret. Before the USA was involved in WWII. Battleships and Heavy cruisers were dominant in the north Atlantic naval battles. By the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the dominance had shifted to the aircraft carrier in the Pacific. While battleships and cruisers were important at Coral Sea, Midway and the other major battles it was the Aircraft carriers which were the queen of battle and the target for all sides to attack. It is ironic that the USS Nevada did not participate in any offensive naval action in WWII yet it may well be the most famous battleship because of the memorial in its name.
SSgt Robert Marx
SSgt Robert Marx
6 y
The battleships took the role of shore bombardment for the U. S. Marine invasions, especially Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Guam, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. The big guns of the navy were instrumental aids for the boot’s doing the fighting. The five inch guns were excellent anti-aircraft platforms plus effective against enemy troop concentrations and tanks. The big sixteen inch guns were most effective against enemy bunkers and fortifications. The boys on the ground could feel the wind and recognize the sound of the ton and a half shells being fired. The fleet movements away from the islands under invasion seriously diminished American ability to destroy enemy infrastructure for aircraft could not see through the jungle canopy overhead on most of the battlefields.
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SSgt Robert Marx
It is not every ship’s right to boast that a sneak aerial attack by Japan nor an atomic attack by her own side would sink her. She certainly could sustain damage and so was a credit to the Naval service.
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