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Responses: 5
CPT Jack Durish
The problem with every discussion of sensitive issues is that we begin talking at cross purposes. We use the same words to mean different things. Do we need gun control? Absolutely, yes. But what is "gun control"? Therein lies the problem. All of us who have served spent time on gun ranges where control was absolute. It was beaten into us before we were even allowed to have ammunition. As a child I was raised with guns and gun control was beaten into me by my father so that I wouldn't hurt myself or others. In combat we used gun control to insure that we harmed the enemy more often than each other (sadly, injuries due to "friendly fire" did occur). Control that insures the safe, effective and lawful use of guns is most welcome. However, those who fear individual liberty want gun control to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. They want controls to restrict ownership (witness the President's plan to take guns away from veterans being treated at VA facilities for "certain conditions or Social Security beneficiaries who have trustees). They want controls to know who has the weapons and where they are (gun owners fear for purposes of future confiscation). As I began, their are many definitions of "gun control)...
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
>1 y
Capt. Jack I still think that the desensitizing of our children with violent video games is the core problem. We had something back in our day and it was called "Respect for Life." Now gang members exterminate others in drive by shootings taking innocent lives with them in the process. We need to educate our society that if you teach a child through video games that it is okay to kill others for points in a game, they may decide that option is appropriate for the local bully at school or the kids that jeer or make fun of them which is happening now! I can't believe that no one has mentioned violent video games need to be taken off the shelves and melted into unusable matter. But then again money talks through lobbying and the Violent Game Industry has used its resources to eliminate the threat to their very existence.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SFC Jim Ruether - A reasonable supposition, however I'm not yet ready to buy into it
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SSG Audwin Scott
I would have to agree, because people that really want to cause harm will find away. Drugs are illegal but yet it still trolls are streets and communities.
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SSG Warren Swan
I understand the Presidents intent I really do, and I admire him for sticking to his convictions in an era where convictions can be "bought" or "lobbied" for. But in defense of pro gun folk, are we going to ban cars? Cars kill. Just happened in LV with the homeless woman. Are we going to lock up abortion doctors for doing their jobs, are we going to ban knives, forks, sporks, anything that can cut or stab, are we going to ban knife hands? Might want to lock up every Drill ever and Mathis too. We cannot legislate or ban every single thing that has the potential to kill or maim. Loopholes are different. Being able in the past to get weapons at gun shows with just your DL or Mil ID was crazy knowing you could walk out with as much as you could afford and no one cared. Certain protections needs to be put in place, but when they are the loopholes need to be closed. It seems no one proofs these laws before passing or they do and take out just enough to get by so that someone can still do what they want.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I want to know who causes gun violence then we can peel the onion.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Good question, but there are so many answers it's not even funny anymore. We can start with the parents, the judicial system, the lack of jobs (but there are jobs SSG Swan), yes there are, but I guess with no diploma or GED those 100k joibs just aren't out there for ya, but it comes down to Mens Rea and that cannot be governed away. Minority Report tried to show the feasibility of it, but no one took notice when the movie was crap with a lot of points.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
You are absolutely right there are many variables. I think our problem is nobody has given us rational arguments based on fact. I will assume to say much of the gun violence is probably committed by those who have records, but I have yet to see facts.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
>1 y
We need to to bring back a "Respect for Life"
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