Edited >1 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 26
COL Mikel J. Burroughs Gut wrenching to see the fallout in person like this video provides. He was SWCC too...who knows what he went through.
For those of you who don't know, that's Special Warfare Combat Craftsman. Their training is nearly on par with SEALs', because they work so closely with them.
For those of you who don't know, that's Special Warfare Combat Craftsman. Their training is nearly on par with SEALs', because they work so closely with them.
I've seen this before and right now I can't watch it again. I am still reeling from my son's suicide 33 days ago, I'm still counting the days since I lost him. Ben was active duty Navy and I had no inkling he was struggling as much as he was, he managed to keep it from me and one of his brothers who is his best friend. I'm a therapist and I didn't hear anything in his voice.
I know I've written about Ben in other threads, so I apologize if I'm boring folks, but I find I have to tell people about the wonderful young man who was my son. MMN2 Benjamin A. Demers, USN, died from suicide at the age of 26. I would have done anything to save him.
He followed his father and I into the Navy and I always expected him to come home.
I know I've written about Ben in other threads, so I apologize if I'm boring folks, but I find I have to tell people about the wonderful young man who was my son. MMN2 Benjamin A. Demers, USN, died from suicide at the age of 26. I would have done anything to save him.
He followed his father and I into the Navy and I always expected him to come home.
SSG Michael Scott
I too am so sorry for your loss. No, by no means are you boring anybody. Non sense. There are no words to replace, what has happened. You can continue to talk about him, and get the word out to other people. This can be part of your recovery. Use your energy in a positive way to help others.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SCPO Penny Douphinett - It is personal for many of us Penny. My wife's father ended his life by suicide on Dec 8th, 2016. I posted an update letting everyone know why I'm working hard to stop this problem we have among veterans and service members. He had PTSD from his days in Vietnam as a Marine and he finally gave up. They are young, middle age, and old - there are so many that we've lost.

Did you know this is the reason I Work hard for Veterans - My Family Lost a Brother, Veteran,...
Did you know this is the reason I Work hard for Veterans - My Family Lost a Brother, Veteran, Father, and husband last year to Suicide? This is one of the many reasons - there are thousands more out there needing our help! RP Members we lost another Brother, Veteran, Father, and Husband to Suicide yesterday in Killeen, Texas. This was my wife's father who served and fought in Vietnam as a Sniper and who came back to this nation with severe...
SCPO Penny Douphinett
Here is a picture of my son, Ben. He is my youngest and the last of more than 4 generations on my side to enter military service if I have anything to say about it. I will discourage any of my other children and my grandchildren from serving. My grandfather, Ben's GGF was awarded 2 Silver Stars in WWII, his 2nd posthumously; his son retired a Colonel in the Army after he was viciously attacked in Washington, DC; my oldest sister and 2 brothers have ongoing issues with PTSD, I am 100% disabled as a result of my own deployment and now my son is gone. Our family has given enough; there are other means of public service. I never thought I would feel this way and I don't think I will change my mind with time.
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