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Responses: 30
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Edited >1 y ago
Yes, I believe it. What's the ratio for us male combat Vets? Shit, I suffer from PTSD and I'm considered to be a sick bastard!lol!
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
9 y
Don't forget, Sgt David G Duchesneau, I read your book! I know all about you!
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
9 y
LTC Stephen C. - Colonel, I know that and damn, I am proud and humbled that you read my book! Stay well my brother and have a great Christmas week!
COL Scott Pacello
COL Scott Pacello
>1 y
Halol..you and me both, David!
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
>1 y
COL Scott Pacello - Well Sir, it's always comforting to know that I am in good company! lol
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
No I did not know this....And wonder if the Female Veterans with PTSD are getting the Medical help they need....??? If most were nurses they may be doing what they need to do....What I know about PTSD is many who suffer do so without asking for help....And sadly some are overdosing with their medications or self medication...
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
>1 y
Amen to that brother! I self medicated for so damn many years. It really sucked. At least now, I finally am being treated! I learned how to live again, just one day at a time!
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally
I do know that some female vets from that era are suffering from it because of sexual harassment/assault but are not seeking treatment for it because the VA will not recognize it due to it "not being documented."
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
8 y
They are now. It doesn't have to be documented. But I do have PTSD. The thing is I was fine when I got out I was rapped and got pregnant as a result and moved on. I was fine I also was fine with the death and trauma I saw. It didn't hit me till about 10 years later when I almost died in a car wreck. Then that along with everything else came flooding in. It was like I had a dam holding it all back and when that dam broke it all flooded in at once and almost drove me to kill myself. I did get help and I still make sure I maintain that to keep things from getting out of control again. It is all contained mostly to the wreck now but at first it was bad. My son has it as bad as I did after the wreck. He is not getting the care I wish he would.
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SFC William Farrell
I just came across this COL Mikel J. Burroughs and what surprises me is that the rate is not even higher for those that actually served in-country. The majority of the females who served in Vietnam were nurses and they saw quite a bit of carnage from that war. After awhile it has to wear heavy on you as it does many of us male Vietnam veterans. And there was also the sexual harassment issue as some have already mentioned. I occasionally drove the pilots that we worked with to the nurses quarters and which much of went on there was consensual, I am sure there were plenty if instances where it was forced. For those I feel terrible.

Female Vietnam veterans are few and far between and they should be put on a pedestal and thanked for their service.
SSG Don Maggart
SSG Don Maggart
9 y
I agree the Female Bore a Heavy Burden then were Ignored by the VA...
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