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Responses: 13
MSG Stan Hutchison
I don't know about now, but for the few years I was an MP, I stopped more officers that I did enlisted.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
I for the most part did too. It was part of the "games" we played "who can stop the most senior person"? It was fun until it it made it's way back to the unit. Never done again.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
4 y
A gate guard stopped a little Chevette with 3 stars on the bumper at Quantico while I was there. CG's daughter. PMO called Command Duty and it was a non-issue. MPs were just doing their job. No repercussions.
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PO3 David Fries
I love A Combat veteran. His stuff is hilarious.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
damn sure is
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SP5 Ed Nolan
Desk sergeant had a STOP sign trap set up right outside the PMO. It was a slow night, so he was watching this stop sign, and everyone was just rolling through it. So he calls me to come to the PMO, shows me what's going on and asks if I'd be up to writing some tickets. Said ok Sarge, he told me where to hide, and off we go. Pulled over 2 or 3 cars, enlisted guys, no problem, called them in Desk Sergeant tells me to let it go, I believe he was just having some fun cause he was bored. Then, I pulled over some butter bar, he gets out of his car, right next to the base officers club, now this guy was a reserve or national guard guy and thought he was Patton, oh, by the way, this guy had to weigh 300 lbs. Starts to break my balls that he came to a full stop and that I was just harassing him, and demanded to see the OD, called the OD for assistance, he shows up, asks me what happened, I told him, mean while the fat little butterball is yelling at me, my partner and the OD. The OD tells me to write him up, and check his vehicle for any safety violations also. Now this idiot is livid, he yelling and pacing around, now I'm laughing, my partner, who was a newbie E-2 was kinda just standing there not knowing what to do. I find a tail light broken some other stuff, now he's about to have a stroke. My OD gets called away for another call, the butter ball is now trying to intimidate me, I keep writing, he's in the road now waving his arms around trying to order me to stop writing and address him. So, I stop and ask him what he'd like to talk about. He's yelling, spewing some crazy regs about us not being authorized to write him a ticket and some other BS. Next thing I know, another car pulls up behind me, look over my shoulder and see the base PM getting out of his car, full bird colonel. I salute the PM he asks me what the problem was, the LT starts telling the PM how he was entrapped, the PM tells the LT to be quiet so he could talk to his men. We explain what had happened, he get in my car, calls the desk sergeant to be sure he had run the stop sign, which he did. PM gets out, the LT says, "can I go now?" PM tells him he can leave when he tells him he can leave, and to stand at attention when he addresses a superior officer. Pm tells me it's my call to write him, but, if he were me, he'd write the shit out of him. So, not wanting to disappoint this man, I wrote him several tickets for several violations. The little fat LT was so freakin pissed, but, I was very entertained.
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