Posted on Jun 14, 2016
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
CW5s are allowed to stay to 40 years of Federal service, 30 years of warrant officer service or age 62 (whichever comes first) with an extended pension to 100% base pay at 40 years of federal service. While the average time in grade for CW5 is 5 years the Army did a service retirement board for CW5s. Please provide thoughts why CW5s stay beyond 30 years of service.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Early in my career I had the honor of serving with several Warrant Officers who were in the process of being phased out by the Air Force. This was a huge mistake IMO. Every one of the WOs that I served with were the most dedicated professional people that I ever came across during my time in the AF. I think this was partly because they were proud of their roll in the military. Every WO that I came across years later in Joint assignments still displayed this pride. Yes, the Chiefs took over the old WO slots, but I think the AF lost a lot by eliminating them.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
9 y
LT Col. I was in during the WO time in the AF. I do agree with you.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
9 y
The Navy and Air Force implementation of the WO rank was a great value for everybody. Can't remember why somebody up high phased out the best assets we had.
CW3 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
I've heard that the Air Force is still authorized WO positions. Since the Kiowa has been phased out (all except 1/17 in Korea-for now)...that would've been a great option to apply for.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
I remember that era, Colonel. I was a "wobbly one" on active duty at Ft. Dix when I was told the last Air Force WO was serving at McGuire AFB right next door.
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CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
If a CW5 can legitimately be value added, then let them stay in, they've earned it.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
BOOM, I like that answer!
CW2 Legal Administrator
CW2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Best answer!
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
>1 y
I like the answer, but for the Guard and Reserve those positions are few and far between. If we give extended time to CW5's we are cutting our CW3 & 4's as positions for them to move shrink. This may or may not be a problem for the AD, but I suspect it is. There are only so many 5 positions to go around, unless it is career field without a possible replacement sure keep them till there is one, but a dense field, I tend to want to say no.
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CW4 Angel C.
Never Chief. Let others move up and enjoy the W5 position. There are too many W4's being forced to retire due to being a 2nd time non-select due to the lack of available W5 promotion slots.
CW4 Angel C.
CW4 Angel C.
>1 y
CW5 Sam R. Baker - That's very good news for the WO Cohort.
CW5 John M.
CW5 John M.
7 y
Everything is pyramidal in rank structure. LTC’s are acutely aware of this as an example. In the National Guard it was even worse because you add the “good old boy” and the ”revolving door” components. This was very common in the RLO rank structure in the State. When W5 first became a reality, there were W4’s scrambling to get aircraft or school qualified to get the first slot. I wasn’t even considered at the time, even though I was qualified in every respect except TIG. Then, a few years later, I saw a list of about fourteen W-4’s all vying for another W5 position - and my name was at the bottom of the list. When Bureau put out the requirement that you had to be “qualified” for the position, all the names went away, and I found myself at the top of the list. Everyone else had to start getting themselves qualified..... When my AGR time was coming up, I wanted to continue for another two years. Bureau had no problem, but the “State” sat on my request due to the politics within the State. When I retired, it still took two years for someone to fill the slot I had held.
CW4 Linux Administrator / It Techncial Trainer
CW4 (Join to see)
6 y
Fair point CW4 Angel C.
CW4 Senior Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer
CW4 (Join to see)
2 y
Those W4’s need to be competitive or they will continue to be passed over. Not everyone can be a W5.
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